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Ohhh boy it's time! How is it gonna happen? Will there be any drama?

"I'm going to see the guys, I'll be back later." Keith kissed lance sweetly.

"Awe, don't go." He gave puppy dog eyes.

"You're cute, but I have to, it's important." He couldn't fall for that look right now, but damnit lance was so adorable.

"Fine. Get back fast please." He pouts.

"I will try, you want me to get you any food? Flowers maybe?" He teased.

"Taco Bell please." He smiles.

"Alright I'll bring Taco Bell back for you."
They kiss again, then Keith was out the door.

He pulls into the driveway, heart beating fast.
"I can do this." He gets out of his car, fixing his shirt and makes his way to the front door.
His knocking was timid, and he waited.
"Hello? Oh, what a surprise, where is lance?"

"He doesn't know I'm here, I would like to talk to you, and mr. McClain." He scratched the back of his neck.

They sat in the living room, tea was served, and the kids were pushed to their own rooms.
"Is everything alright?"

"Yes everything is great. I um, I just wanted to get your permission to ask Lance to marry me."

"You want to marry lance?" She cheered.

"That's very sudden." Such a protective father he was.

"Honey, they've been together long enough.."

"A couple of months, what 5 or so." He interrupted her.

"So what, they already bonded, marriage is the next step."

"Are you doing this because he's pregnant?" He glares at Keith.

"No. I assure you I always use protection. Lance isn't pregnant, he still takes his pills too." He said nervously.

"Well, I approve. I'm so happy I'm gonna start planning the wedding."

"Dear, hold on now."

"Oh stop being a sourpuss, your son is going to get married." She slaps him on the head.
He looks at Keith, his expression was grumpy, then it slowly changed and he gave the mafia boss a soft smile and stuck out his hand.
"I know you'll make a fine husband for lance, I'm proud to call you son-in-law."

Keith smiles brightly and shakes his hand.
"Thank you. I'm glad to get your approval."

"I wanted to hear you proclaim more, but I don't feel like getting slapped more." He chuckled.

"I'll tell Lance how much I love him every day, don't worry about my proclaim." He smiles.

"So, when are you going to propose?" His soon to be mother-in-law asked.

"Tonight, I planned a whole date."

"Confident that we would say yes?"

"Just very hopeful sir."

"No need for sir anymore, son."

Keith couldn't help himself, he hugs him, being able to say he has a dad again made him really happy.
"Alright, go get engaged already."

"Hey, where's my Taco Bell?"  Lance pouts.
"Sorry, I'll take you there in a minute, right now I have to tell you something. I couldn't wait, so I'll just ask you now." He digs into his pocket, and gets down on one knee. "Lance, will you marry me?"

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