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It's been a few days since the run in with Travis and his friends, lance was surprised that when he saw them down the hall they didn't say anything.
"Hey lance." Pidge shouts and runs up to him.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I was gonna ask the same thing. What happened yesterday? Everyone is talking about how the Red lion saved you from Travis and his gang of dumbasses."

"Oh yeah, they followed me out of the school and Travis hit me over the head, I fell to the ground covering my face as they all hit me and then they were gone, and all I saw was Keith standing there." He rambled.

"Oh Keith, you know his first name?" She wiggles her eyebrows in a funny way.

"Stop it, he just introduced himself. But he said they wouldn't bother me again, I guess he really scared them."

"Well yeah, he is a mafia boss after all. The cops don't even mess with him."

"Hey that means Travis won't mess with me anymore, I can actually enjoy the last few months of high school." He cheered and fist pumps the air.

Or so he thought.

When lance left school that day, Travis followed him as he walked home. Lance didn't notice him, it was just Travis behind him, his goons went to their own homes.
Lance rounds a corner and something hits him, he's being pressed to the side of the building, face against the rocky bricks.
"You're gonna be real quiet, any sound out of you and it will be way worse." Travis growls into his ear.

"Let me go." Lance tried to sound intimidating, but his voice pitched.

"I said shut up. I don't know how you know the Red lion, but I'll make you unwanted by him or anyone else. You are my bitch."
He traps lances hands behind his back with one hand and reaches around to undo lances pants.
"No, please. I don't want this." Lance begs.

"Who cares what you want."

"I do. Let him go." Keith stood next to them.

"Shit. Where did you come from?" Travis was confused how he got there but stayed grounded.

"A better question, why are you trying to rape him?"

"I don't have to answer to you, besides you're a mafia boss, you do all kinds of illegal shit all the time." He tightens his grip on lance making him whine.

"I sell things, weapons, drugs, you name it. But I don't rape people." He stepped towards them, "now let him go, or I will hurt you." He growls and lance could have swore he saw his eyes change color for a second.

"It's not like he's your boyfriend or something." Travis was scared but persistent to have his way.

"Doesn't matter, I won't let you do anything to him. Did I not make myself clear the other day?" He pulled out a switch blade and twirls it in his hand.

"Why not hand to hand? Scared?" Travis mocks, but his legs gave a little shake.

"I don't want to touch you. I might catch your stupid virus." He sneered with a chuckle.
Travis was irritated now, he wasn't going to let anyone talk to him like that.
"Stay here like a good boy, I'll deal with him first and then your mine." He pats lances head.

Lance falls to the ground, his legs have completely lost feeling.
He could only watch as Travis stalks towards Keith, praying the knife isn't just for show and he knows how to use it.
Travis throws a wild punch, Keith easily dodges it. He doesn't lift his hands at all, he just steps to the side as Travis throws haymakers.

"Is that the best you got? I'm getting bored." Keith actually forced a yawn.

"Come on, fight me like a man." Travis got angry.
He was lightning fast, you blink and miss everything. Keith has Travis by the throat, blade at his temple.
"I'm not someone you want to piss off, I'm giving you one last warning. Do. Not. Go. Near. Him." He didn't use his alpha voice, but he was still very intimidating. Travis was visibly shaking.
He flicked his wrist and left a small cut on the side of his head.
"Get lost."
Travis runs as fast as he can not even looking back to see if he's being chased.

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