Living together

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After a few hours of convincing Lance's parents to let him move in with Keith, they finally said yes.
The next day all his stuff was now in Keith's place, his stuff took up the guest bedroom, but of course he'd be sleeping with Keith.

The two sat on the couch watching tv, Lance was sideways in Keith's lap with his head on the alpha's shoulder.
"Hey." Keith said softly.


"Let's go on a date."

"But its not our anniversary."

"So, don't need a special day to take you on a date."

They got dressed, in casual clothes and lance picked the restaurant. He chose Olive Garden.

They sit down in a booth and give their drink orders before looking at the menu.
"Of all the places in the city you choose here."

"Yeah what's wrong with this place?"

"It's a family restaurant, I can't get a beer here." Keith whined a little.

"It's a nice place, we don't need to go to fancy, up tight places. You don't have to spend your money on me."

"But what if I want too."

Lance caught a glimpse of someone entering the restaurant and a look of terror riddled his face once he fully looked at them.
"What's wrong?" Keith turns to look and he growls under his breath, before turning back to Lance. "It's okay princess, there are too many people for him to do anything. And I'm right here." He reaches over the table and held the omega's hand.

Lotor takes a seat right behind Keith, he orders a pop and once the waitress is gone he turns to whisper in his ear.
"Fancy meeting you here. Having a nice date in this family restaurant?"

"Fuck off, or I'll kill you this time." Keith growls.
He faces lance and the waitress comes back over, ready to take their order.
"Hi, know what you want?"

They place their order and a few moments later she takes lotors order.

"Keith, I'm scared."

"It's okay, I won't let anything happen to you."
Lotor didn't say anything else and they ignored him soon enough and enjoyed their food.
Lotors food came and he asked the waitress for a piece of paper and pen.
He wrote a note and gave it to her.

"Could I get the bill now?" He asked.

"Of course."

Lance was still hungry and wanted to look at the deserts, and silently hoping Lotor would leave soon and not wait for them.
"Get whatever you want princess."
Keith heard a little chuckle behind him but ignored it.

Lotor got his check and whispered something to the waitress, she gives him a smile and small giggle.
A minute later after slapping down some money he leaves.

Lance and Keith breath a sigh of relief, and then his small piece of chocolate cake came out.
"Oh the bill has already been paid for, this note is for you." Said the waitress.
Keith took it hesitating to open it.
"To the cute couple enjoying their date. Have a great life."

"It was Lotor." Lance shivered.

"Hey, he's just trying to get at us. Everything is fine. Eat your cake."

When they finally left, Keith was very cautious of his surroundings and kept lance close to him.
Lance was on edge but knew he was safe with Keith. He got closer to the alpha and scented him.
"You smell like the cake now." He comments when they get in the car.
"Wait, that's not the cake...lance, are you starting?"
He was shivering in his seat, a nervous sweat breaking on his forehead.
"Why didn't you tell me?"

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