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Our boy Keith is feeling some strong feelings, his past may come back to haunt him.
How will he break from his feelings of the past?

Keith woke up sitting at his desk, in the hideout.
"Ugh, my head." He groans and attempts to lean back in his chair, but his body was not having it and he drops back on the desk.
"I drank to much. Damn those guys."

James had caught the look on Keith's face when he came back, and his scent was a confirmation of how happy he was. So he wanted to celebrate Keith being in a happy relationship.

"Those guys are probably still sleeping. Idiots."
He checks his watch and it's 10 in the morning.
"God, I gotta get my head to stop hurting, I don't want to make a bad impression on Lance's friends."

"Hello boss, I have some medicine and water for you." Says a woman as she enters his office without knocking.

"Oh thank you." He downed the medicine and water.

It took him a minute to realize he doesn't know this woman.
"Wait, who the hell are you?" He stares at the foreign woman, her hair was blonde and went down to her waist, it was tied back in twin tails.

"I'm romelle, one of the dancers from last night."

"Dancer? Oh, I must have left the party before you showed up."

"What a party pooper, it was for you wasn't it?" She sat on his desk close to him.

"Yes but, I didn't want dancers. They probably wanted to have some fun since I'm the only one in a relationship. That's why they threw the party, I was single for a long time." He explained.

"Oh I see, so having some fun with me would be out of the question?"

"Yes." He said sternly. "Thank you for the medicine, but please leave now."

"So polite for a mafia boss."

"I can be rude if I have too be. Now leave." He glares at her, she jumps from the desk and quickly walks out the door.

"I will deal with those morons later. Right now I need food, shower, and clothes in that order." He was still too tired for this shit.

After he grabbed some Taco Bell he went home for a shower, smelling like alcohol wouldn't be a good first impression.

"Ah, nothing like a hot shower to make you feel like a new person." He sighs happily.
A red towel was wrapped around his waist as he looks into the mirror, messing with his still damp hair trying to figure out a style for it.

All of the sudden romelle popped into his head.
"Something was different with her." He says to himself.
"She seemed familiar, have I seen her before?"
A flashback hits him intensely,
"Keith, it's only been a few months but I have to tell you this. I love you."

"I love you too Allura."

He was gripping the sink as the flashback changed,
"You don't need love as a mafia boss. To run with the big dogs you have to be a lone wolf. That's the alpha way."

"No! Please just let her go, I won't ever see her again please let her go."

"I don't trust you. An alpha doesn't need love."

The gun shots still rang loudly in his head as if they were really happening now.
"Damnit." He punched the mirror, it shattered into tiny pieces and his knuckles bled.
"Fuck! Why? Why am I still remembering that?" He yells at himself, guilt riddled his body.

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