The past

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Flashback, a bit of James' side of how the plan goes down. So you're not confused.

"Don't worry, I'll help you out."


James didn't put much thought to it, he picked up lances scent off of Keith easily and followed it to his house. He had his friend, and gang member kinkade with him.

They get lance to the factory and James leaves the room to make a call to Keith.

"Hey, we got him."



"What? You kidnapped him? Are you insane?" Keith yells.

"Hey, you can be a hero, come in and save him and he'll like you more."

"I can't believe you. Where are you?"

"The factory."

— present day.

Keith left Lance's house and went straight for the hideout.
"Alright. Get out here!" Keith yells.

The whole gang came out, only two really looked scared, because they knew why he was yelling.

"James, Kinkade."
They walk up nervously. The rest of the gang was confused and scared for the two. Keith seemed really mad about something.

"You may have had good intentions, but don't you ever do anything like that again. You got it!"

"Yes boss." They said in unison.

"James, go count the stock."
James slumps his shoulders, he hated counting the stock, it took forever and was so boring.

"Kinkade, I noticed the bathroom hasn't been cleaned in a while."

"Got it." He sighs and walks off.

"Now the rest of you. I would think we are a pretty wholesome mafia, yeah?"
They nod to agree.
"Alright then, so we wouldn't do anything to harm an innocent person, right?"
They all nod again.
"That's good, so know this, those two dick tips decided to kidnap someone because...well because I like them, and didn't know how to tell them."
Keith felt stupid appearing to be weak in front of them.
"I don't need to go into details, but it was obviously a bad idea. Just don't go near anyone who doesn't deserve it."

They all nod, a few had the idea to salute to him. Whatever as long as they understand the rules.

Keith went to go find James once everyone went back to what they had to do.

"Hey penis breath."

"Awe, my ma used to call me that." James jokes.
Keith gives a little chuckle.
"For real though if anyone has penis breath, it's gonna be you. Gobbling up that omega." He laughs harder at his own words.

"Haha very funny. I'm not gonna do that right away."

"Mr. alpha is gonna take it slow? Wow. He must be special."

"Shut up. You're the only one who knows the truth." Keith sat down on a crate and James followed.

"It's not really a surprise to be honest. I've known you since we were kids. You've always been so nice to everyone." James says.

"My mom raised me to be respectful." Keith smiles, he missed his mom. Maybe he'd call her later.

"Yeah, she wanted you to be a real softy." He grins.

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