we're all in this together 😎💃

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(A/N: tae is a bad bitch, y'all can't fool me)


"-and then I told her, dude that's not being bisexual that's being by yourself", the lilac haired judgingly exclaimed as he and his two friends, Jimin and Taehyung, were strolling through the corridors.

It's been about two weeks since they have started to attend the school and they've been doing pretty well in their classes.

They were also very very happy with whomst was in their classes.

From maths to geography, or physics all the way to English, they had the pleasure to be accompanying four certain other boys in a lot of subjects.

Hoseok, of course was the light of their lives, the sun lighting up the darkness. They could never in hell nor heaven imagine to neglect the cute redhead. He even made up a plan for them to get closer to their lovers, well, soon-to-be-lovers .

"Wait isn't she the one who uses the laugh emoji? Unironically?", Jimin questioned in shock.
"Yeah this girl is tripping", Taehyung snorted but quickly stumbled in his tracks himself as he noticed the raven haired male, he's been worshipping the past few weeks, who was casually chatting with his two friends.

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, as he was curious to know the reason behind Tae's sudden behaviour, "What's up with you-", yet soon after he followed his friend's gaze, he stood still as well.

You see, Jin, Jimin and Taehyung are confident gays, whole ass confident gays. However seeing their crushes in such grace without being prepared was kind of startling for the, now, three of them, since Jin quickly noticed the other two's mental absence.

"Oh you know what-", Jin started after a 20 second silence between them, "I'm gonna try something."
"What are you talking about?", Jimin tried to ask, but soon after realized his tall friend was already leaving with a sneaky grin on his face.
"I'm scared", Taehyung added, receiving a nod in response.

Jin strut his way over to the three in particular handsome guys and stopped in his tracks, standing opposite of them, as he finally arrived.

"Hey", he caught every male's attention with a kind smile, especially Namjoon's.

"Uh hi", the latter answered, feeling a little awkward talking to the male.
"Has one of you maybe seen Hoseok?", Jin questioned.

"I'm pretty sure he's in the library.", Namjoon answered as he scratched the back of his neck, his eyes lingering everywhere but the splendid boy infront of him.

The other two seemed to notice the aforementioned's nervous behaviour and chuckled down the thick atmosphere, to prevent anything from happening, that would initiate them to feel too uneasy.

"Oh okay thank you", Jin finally spoke up again, with a sweet tone in his voice and a genuine smile formed on his face. "By the way, are you guys excited for drama class as well today? We literally can't wait!", he pointed to his two friends, who were patiently waiting for him to return in the back of the halls.

Well as he called attention for them, two of them may have been caught off guard for a little while.
"Uh, yeah, actually...Do you know what plays there are?", Yoongi finally decided to join the, until now, rather uncomfortable conversation after staring at Jimin from afar.

"Mh, no not really", Jin pressed his lips into a thin line as he shook his head, "but I do hope that we will do a musical one day!"

"Me and Namjoon aren't that much experienced in singing", Yoongi casually spoke, "though I think our Jungkook here would be into stuff like that."

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