Chapter 15

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"Nice trick eh?" Compress asked from the trees, causing everyone to look at him in shock. "I took the lady and the lad you were talking about with my magic. A talent like Bakugous would be squandered if he was cast as a hero. Ada's quirk would be so useful with the League of Villains. We'll provide them with a grander stage where they can truly shine."

"Give them back!!" Deku yelled. 'If only Shiaku was here, she could help us figure out this guy's quirk,' he thought.

"Give them back? What an odd thing to say. Bakugou nor Ada don't belong to anyone. They're their own people. Don't be so arrogant," Compress said with a smug tone.

"We'll stop you!" Deku yelled.

"Right now!" Todoroki added, using his ice to make huge ice spikes towards the villain.

Mr. Compress moved out of the way with ease. "Why all the aggression? We merely wish to show the two that there are other options besides the fanatical work of heroism they're drowning in," he explained, landing gracefully on a tree branch. "It's important to choose a path that alines with your core values after all."

Shoji turned around and realized that Tokoyami was gone as well. "Guys! It's not just Bakugou and Shiaku! Tokoyami's gone!" He said in an upset voice.

'He just took our two strongest and our smartest classmates without a sound. Shiaku I wish you were here,' Todoroku thought to himself. He turned to Mr. Compress and glared. "If you're monologing because you think you beat us then you're mistaken!"

"A bad habit of mine." Compress shrugged, rolling one of his clear marbles in his hand. "I was once an entertainer you know. Taking Tokoyami was a bit of improv on my part," Compress chuckled before having three marbles in his hand.

"YOU BASTARD!! YOU CAN'T TAKE THEM!!" Deku yelled, glaring at the villain

"Midoriya calm down. Here Uraraka, take this guy for me" Todoroki said before handing Uraraka the limp guy he was carrying. He ran over to the direction Compress was and stomped his foot on the ground, making huge ice spikes at Mr. Compress's direction.

"Apologies but sleight of hand and escapology are my specialties not combat. I'm not foolish enough to fight hero candidates from UA," Compress said, putting the three marbles in his pocket as he glided through the air. "Vanguard Action Squad, I've acquired our targets. Our little show has officially come to a close. Meet me at the retrieval point in the next five minutes for the final bow," Compress stated through the earpiece.

"They're going to take them...our friends," Todoroki stood frozen in shock.

"They can't!!" Deku said.

Todoroki snapped out of his traced and nodded. "You're right! We'll stop them!!"

Everyone chased after Mr. Compress as he hopped through the trees.

As they got farther and farther from Compress, Deku devised a plan. "Uraraka, you make us float, Asui, use your tongue to throw us as fast as you can, Shoji you reposition us to the villain's direction, and then Uraraka, release us!"

"Wait, Deku!" Uraraka said before taking off her shirt and making splints for Deku's arms.

Everyone nodded and got into position, Shoji held onto Deku and Todoroki and Asui wrapped her tongue around the boys. Uraraka touched their shoulders and they started to go weightless.

"Hold on!" Asui yelled before flinging the three at Compress.

"Release!!!" Uraraka yelled and the boys hurdled toward the villain.

Before Mr. Compress could react, Deku, Todoroki, and Shoji tackled him.

Dabi stood in the clearing waiting for everyone, then he heard yelling. He looked up to see Compress, Deku, Todoroki, and Shoji fall to the ground.

"Give Ada, Tokoyami, and Bakugou back to us!!!!" Deku yelled in anger.

"Hey wait I know these kids!" Twice said enthusiastically.

"Out of the way Compress," Dabi said before throwing a huge burst of flames towards the four.

"Got it," Compress said before he, well...compressed while Todoroki got out of the way in time, Shoji and Midoriya's arms got burned.

The other villains attacked Midoriya, Todoroki, and Shoji.

"You got Ayame and Bakugou?" Dabi said so only Compress could hear him.

Mr. Compress decompressed and walked over to Dabi. "Of course!" He said before putting his hand in his pocket, looking for the marbles.

Shoji looked at Compress then looked at his two friends. "Midoriya, Todoroki! We're done! He gave away his best trick." Shoji glared at Compress. "I'm not as good as Ada so I don't know what your quirk specifically is but, it has to do with these little marbles right? The one's you stashed in your pocket," he said, holding out three marbles in his hand. "So I'm guessing these are Ada, Tokoyami, and Bakugou right?"

"You rescued them!' Deku sighed in relief.

Compress chuckled. "Well color me impressed. Just what I'd expect from someone with so many hands. How splendid."

"Moron," Dabi glared, about to shoot more fire.

"No, wait," Compress said, holding out his hand in front of Dabi.

Before the three students could getaway, a nomu stopped them in their tracks.

"Quick this way!" Todoroki yelled, turning to the left but Kurogiri stopped them.

"Let's go Dabi," Kurogiri ordered.

"Bye-bye Izuku!!" Toga smiled before waving goodbye and walking through the portal.

Twice being his usual extra self, dived into the portal.

"Hold on, we're not leaving without Shiaku and Bakugou," Dabi glared.

"Don't worry, they were so proud of themselves for rooting through my pockets that I thought I'd let them gloat," Compress said smugly.

Todoroki, Deku, and Shoji turned to Compress, a look of shock on their face.

Mr. Compress turned around and said. "But allow me to explain the basics tenant of magic. If I'm flaunting something shiny, it's because there's something else I don't want you to see," Compress said before taking off his mask and spitting out three marbles from his mouth. He snapped his fingers and the three marbles that Shoji had turned into ice.

"Is that my ice?!" Todoroki stared, confused.

"That's right, during the ice attack, I prepared dummies and slipped them into my right pocket," Compress chuckled before slowly walking into the portal.

"You bastard!!!" Deku yelled, chasing after the two villains.

"One last bow before the curtain closes," Compress said, bowing, but out of nowhere, a sparkly laser shot Mr. Compress in the face.

"Aoyama!!" Deku said.

Compress coughed up the marbles, sending them through the air.

Shoji was able to catch one and just as Todoroki was about to grab the other two, Dabi snatched them out of his reach.

"Well isn't that a tragedy, poor little Shouto Todoroki," Dabi mocked.

Deku lunged at Compress and Dabi, angry.

"Confirm it now, release them," Dabi ordered.

"That laser ruined my final!" Mr. Compress pouted before snapping his fingers.

The one Shoji grabbed turned into Tokoyami and the two Dabi had turned into Ayame and Bakugou. Dabi grabbed Bakugo by the back of the neck and he wrapped his arms around Ayame's shoulder. "Checkmate," he said, pulling Ayame and Bakugoo into the portal.

"KACCHAN!!! SHIAKU NOO!!!!!" Deku yelled, sprinting as fast as he could towards his friends.

"Stay...back...Deku," Bakugou said before disappearing through the portal.

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