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Izuku sat on the sofa in the living room. He took a deep breath, eyes focusing on a point in the wall before completely spacing out of the 'real world.' The scene in his mind, however, changed. A wide, black landscape that quickly changed to a triangular-shaped room divided into three rooms that connected in the middle, a clear glass-like substance separating them.

The room to the left had a simple layout. It had a large desk with scattered papers, a bulletin board with papers held up by pins connected by a chain of red rope to keep track of the train of thought. On the wall were three pictures. One of Deku, Mikumo, and Izuku. The second of All Might with a red 'X' over him and the third the same but of Kacchan. To the side sat a bed with a black, dark green, and red bed set.

This room in the landscape belonged to Deku.

The room to Izuku's right was a little more upbeat. It had calm colors. A smaller desk sat in the corner of it with a few menu ideas and want-to-try coffee techniques and a few hero figures. The bulletin board contrasted much to the other room. It had pictures of different heroes on it with little writings like "Cool!" and "Amazing!" on them and some business plan ideas to improve the bakery. On the wall were three pictures. One of Mikumo, Izuku, and Deku. The next of Mikumo and Aizawa. The last of all of the bakery workers standing outside of the Soft Blossom Bakery. To the side was a bed with a hero bed set.

This room in the landscape belonged to Mikumo.

Where Izuku stood, in his room, was the same. A desk, a bulletin board, three pictures, and a bed. His desk was layered with hero and villain information notebooks and an old All Might toy that he couldn't bring himself to get rid of, the one he held at the doctor's office so long ago when he was diagnosed as quirkless. His bulletin board held up a timeline list of actions from starting the Quirkless Rejects online to the present. On his wall was a picture of him, Deku, and Mikumo, a picture of him and Inko, and call him crazy, but a picture of him and young Kacchan, Auntie Mitsuki, and Uncle Masaru.

This room in the landscape belonged to Izuku.

Izuku wore his hoodie from Inko two Christmases' ago and his hair has grown back to his old hairstyle, Deku wore his costume and had his usual half-shave, and Mikumo wore his work uniform with a half-shave that was slightly growing out.

Something was different though. Usually, all of the rooms were divided by a clean line. Now, the rooms and their contrasting colors looked as though they had begun to blend and meld with each other and the boarders, each slowly leaking into their neighbors.

Izuku looked up. Deku stood in the middle of his room facing the middle intersection, as did Mikumo from his room. Izuku took a deep breath and stepped forward. They all simultaneously moved and met in the middle.

"We need to talk," stated Izuku. Mikumo and Deku nodded. "Agreed," they said. Izuku felt as though something was tugging at his chest when they stood closer to the intersection, a force that was dragging them all there almost. "I am sure we've all felt it," he started. " When either of us is present, we feel the others present as well as if they were apart of them. Am I right?" The other two nodded.

"So, I'm taking a page from Aizawa. We need to decide here and now who we really are. We cannot keep putting this off."

Mikumo raises his hand. "What does that mean though?" he asked.

"It means that we need to decide whether it is best for us to continue living different lives or become one again," he replied. Deku growled. "Are you suggesting that we disappear and it will just be the original?" He stomped forward. Instantly Izuku felt a sharp tug at his chest. He assumed the Mikumo and Deku did too judging by how quickly all three of them stumbled away from the intersection.

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