The Beginning Of The End?

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It happened in Mexico. Hitoshi and Deku were walking side by side through the abandoned country when Deku connected their mind waves.

'Hey,' Deku "whispered."

Hitoshi was sort of startled by the sudden voice in his head. He glanced at Deku. 'Hey? What's with the hush? It's not like anyone can hear us.' Izuku hummed before his "voice" was at a normal level. 'I guess you're right. Habit. Anywho, I think it's about time you tell me something.'

'What is it?' Hitoshi asked.

There was a pause.

'That man behind us that is always following us around... Who is he?'

Hitoshi's heart dropped along with his feet stopping and Aizawa crashing into him. Deku stopped too. 'You are going to make it obvious!'  hissed the greenette. Hitoshi ignored him and Aizawa questioning his sudden stop. Hitoshi reached forward and grabbed Izuku's shoulders.

'Okay, Deku, I need you to be straight with me,' he sternly said. 'Does the name "Aizawa" mean anything to you?'

Aizawa tapped him on the shoulder. "Give us a second, Aizawa," Hitoshi said a bit harsher than he meant to. Aizawa understood though and went a few feet away to review the map. Hitoshi turned his attention to the man currently in his grasps. 'Does it?' Izuku narrowed his eyes.


Hitoshi almost choked. 'At all?'

Deku shook his head. 'No. Should it?'

Hitoshi's arms fell to his sides and he hung his head. 'Shu-' "'SHUT UP!'" Hitoshi both thought and screamed aloud. He didn't bother looking up as he practically ran away. Aizawa grabbed his wrist. "Shinsou, what is wrong?" What's wrong? What's wrong?! Hitoshi whipped his head up, tears in his anger-filled eyes. "What is wrong is that idiot doesn't even know your name and apparently hasn't for some time now!"

He ignored the crestfallen look on Aizawa's face. The older man's grip slackened so Hitoshi yanked his arm away. "I'm through with this if that idiot can't remember his own father." He stormed away, chest feeling heavy the whole way. Hitoshi pulled out his phone and dialed Jester.


"Pick me up."


"I'm coming back."


"I'll tell you when I get there."


"See you soon."


Hitoshi hung up and settled down to wait for the plane to come in a couple of days. He just couldn't handle this anymore. Not because he was jealous or angry, well maybe a bit angry, but just because... it hurts too much...


Shouta didn't have the strength in him to even hold onto Shinsou.

He slowly turned to his son behind him who had this worried look on his face. No...

'No what?' Izuku's voice came through but Shouta couldn't even register that their mind waves were connected.

No, please no...

'No what???'

Shouta stepped forward slowly until his hands gently rested on Izuku's shoulders. 'Please... What is my name?' He didn't want to know the answer. He didn't wan-

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