We Will Save Him!

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"The heroes and the infamous Quirkless Rejects joined together yesterday in a joint attack on the Japanese Yakuza to rescue a young girl from their grasps. The casualties were great but it would seem the Quirkless Rejects suffered the most as the heroes took advantage of their leader's weakened state after the battle and captured him. Without even a trial, they have put Deku under a 24-hour guard in Tartus, the most secure prison in Japan for the worst of villains where even All For One is being held. However, the heroes are still on edge that Deku's comrades will come for their leader. What do you think of this recent turn of events, Sherri?"

"Well, Shawn, I do not know how I feel about this matter but I certainly know how the general public feels about it. Many who have already heard about this recent development have already banned together and held rallies in protest of Deku's capture. It would seem that the impact of the Quirkless Rejects has reached both the quirked and quirkless, all those who believe in the equality of everyone. Many who were once silent are now coming out against the government."

"Yes, it would seem so. Even without their leader, the movement is still going strong, even in other countries all around the world. The world leaders have gotten together to discuss the possibility of an actual war as Deku has announced in inevitable."

"The heroes have begun to really crack down on supporters and suspected members or allies if the Quirkless Rejects. With the world on the brink of war more than ever, hero students in hero courses all over the country are being forcefully taken out of their classes by their parents as a decree that they will have to fight as well should it come to war has been issued."

"This has upset a lot of people but with the war coming and this battle of good and evil coming upon us, these trained students are more equipt to handle this than the untrained citizens."

"One thing is for sure though, war is coming. This one might just be the worst one in all of history with even more casualties than ever before. Prepare yourself, world. I hate to have to put it this way but the warning must be out there. Protect your loved ones, find safe places with food and storage. The war is coming and the world may now hold up for much longer."


Animation woke up the next day as usual. Get up, get dressed, and go down to Eri's room and- Oh. Wait. I don't have to anymore. A part of her was sad that she wouldn't be tending to the girl anymore but she was more glad that she was safe now and in the arms of the heroes. Who else, though, was in the arms of the heroes? Izuku... She limped down the hall bearing wounds from the battle, just as everyone else who had fought was. They were called to gather in the main warehouse and the Lights would address them today.
Anima straightened her hat and made her way into the main level. Jester, Grimlin, and the Fox twins were already on the stage. A large handful of the members were in the room as well. Anima got onto the stage.
"Morning," she whispered.
"Good morning, Animation," the Fix twins said in unison.
She nodded and they turned to face the crowd.

Bubblegum and Doom soon joined them after giving little Rena to a friend and member of the rejects. Cateye and Todoroki came down, giving each other a fist bump before splitting and Cateye coming into the stage. Butterfly glided down the stairs in the way Izuku had trained her to. She landed and came into the stage.
During that time the rest if the members of the Japanese branch had gathered.
Cateye turned up his cat-like voice changer and stepped forward.


His voice echoed around the entire room and the crowd grew silent, turning to face the stage.

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