We Will Help You, Izuku.

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"Hello, world. Sherri here. The world-spread pandemic has done its job as there are zero reports of quirk activity anywhere in the world. The government has released this as the 'Deku Pandemic' named after Chief Deku of the Quirkless Rejects. It had been confirmed that it was, in fact, Chief Deku traveling around and taking the quirks after receiving his own from All For One. The government could do nothing to stop the man as their economy was in shambles in every country showing the world just how much we truly replied on quirks in our everyday lives and even in the structure of our respective countries."

"We seem to have almost gone back in time to a pre-quirk state, the state before all of human-kind mutated and the superpowers of dreams became a reality. The profession of heroism rapidly decreased and many hero schools all over the world have shut down. Some, like UA, have transformed their establishment into a regular school and a police academy with their general ed kids taking the spotlight now."

"Yes, Kevin, and this seems to be taking a tole in that setting as well as the previous hero course students are being ridiculed by those who could not make it into the hero course. Tensions are high as people are losing jobs left and right and the economy is falling at a rapid pace. The only economy still intact is the Isle of the Quirkless seeing as they were already a quirkless population."

"As for the Isle of the Quirkless, there is no word from them yet and the current location of Chief Deku is unknown as of now. No country is willing to try and attack the Isle in fear of Chief Deku. With an arsenal of quirks at his disposal, the man is indisputably the most powerful man alive. There is no guarantee for the safety of anyone who opposed that country anymore and there never will be. Would you care to explain, Kevin?"

"I will, Sherri. There are records of the man, All For One, with the original quirk that allowed him to take and give quirks at will ranging back for centuries. He is believed to have had a quirk that allowed him to live that long. Now with Chief Deku in wielding of that power and the power of all of the world's quirks combined, the man will probably never die, sources say, and thus the world will never be able to fight against the Isle with him present unless humanity once again mutates and quirks began to show up naturally."

"At either rate, humanity has, in a sense, devolved. From the Pre-Quirk Era to the Hero Era: World I present to you the Dequirked Era. Welcome to the Age of the Quirkless."





*BE-* *-BAM*

The door of Izuku's hospital room shut. A month Shouta and Izuku had been back on the Isle. He visited his son every day but his condition had yet to change. Izuku just laid on that hospital bed with a blank face that stared at the pale wall with no emotion. He had heart and brain monitors that monitored his vitals and mind action but no change has happened as of late. He has no need for a breaking mask or for food or water, an active quirk that apparently cannot be turned off keeps him forcibly alive.

The doctors say that he is in a state similar to that of a coma so they say there is a chance that Izuku could hear them and see them with always active quirks as his body could only do the minimum to hold every single one back. There is a slight change in brain waves whenever they talk or do something that can be registered as he is aware of the world around him which honestly makes Shouta sick to his stomach.

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