WWQ - Pt. 1

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Battle of Tokyo, September 8, 2020.


Izuku sat in the bunker approximately five miles out of Tokyo, Japan, the capital of Japan. If they were going to attack they'd make their first place important. Hit the capital of all of Japan first. It had been 10 minutes since the broadcast went down. The Ambulance Squad was in the corner, ready for the battle start, waiting for the injured to come crawling back through the door. The much larger group of about 2000 rejects sat in the middle. They were fully decked out in weapons and guns. Some even had light armor. They were all tense, waiting for their Chief's call to go. They would leave in about three minutes to give them time to actually make it to Tokyo for the set time of the attack.

Izuku's knee bounced as he sat on a chair in the corner watching his watch. His left hand fiddled with a bullet. The greenette longed for his border collie, Honey. He wished he could grasp her fur in his unfeeling palms instead of fiddle with a bullet from his gun. He had to swallow the rising panic. His comrades could not see their leader falling apart like this, it would cause morale to drop drastically.

The clock flipped to 11:35 am.

Izuku reloaded the bullet in one of his extra magazines that he had on his belt. He stood up.

"Alright!" Everyone turned to him. "It's time to head out." Many of them gripped their guns, rifles, knives, and even grenades tighter. A quirk or two went off here and there. Izuku took a deep breath. "Some of you might not return to this bunker alive, or return to it at all so I want to thank you all in advance. I, myself, might not make it out alive either. This is war, there are going to be deaths. You will have to kill as well. Both sides will lose people, that is just how it is and I am sorry that you will have to do this as well but also so, so grateful. I am proud of all of you, I know you can go out there, fight, and survive. I know that we can, and will, win this. Now, it is time to put everything you have worked for on the line, remember all that you have given up for this cause. Whoever wins this first battle will set the tone for the rest of the war, so let's go and win it for the Quirkless Rejects."

"Yes, Chief Deku!"

They all filed out of the bunker, leaving the Ambulance Squad behind, and started the trek to the center of Tokyo. They were silent, even their footsteps were barely audible, only audible due to the number of people present. A few hummed quietly, attempting to calm their nerves. Others fiddled with bullets, just as Izuku had just been doing. They were all trying to stay human, just for a moment longer, cause after the war started, one life taking another, could that person really be called 'human'?

They walked through the eerily silent streets of Tokyo, making their way to Tokyo Tower. The streets had been abandoned aside for a few people who could not get out in time or had been unable to find a safe place to hide. Izuku hated to do this but... towns and cities would fall, the center point of society with it. He detached an amplified grenade he got from Giran from his belt as they walked.

This is how it would all start...

He pulled the pin mechanism free and drew his arm back, everyone stopping as not to get caught in the blast. He stopped and threw it with all of his might, the grenade landing in a storefront. It all starts with a...


The entire building exploded, chunks of cement going everywhere, heat coming off in waves.

In the building across from it, Izuku saw them, a woman and a man hugging each other tightly as a piece of cement flew towards their direction. There was nothing he could do. This...

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