Reaching Out

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Katsuki didn't know what to do.

Deku's words.... No, it was Izuku then right? Did he have a right to even call him that? The whole 'personality disorder' or whatever it was still confused Katsuki. All of those years of never caring about someone else's life and not caring enough to actually understand were catching up to him. His words put the nail in the coffin, so to speak, on Katsuki thinking that he still had a chance.


"It's too late, Kacchan."


Katsuki shuddered. Kacchan. THAT DANG NAME!!! That name he gave me cause he thought we were friends! Why couldn't I see it? Why was I so stubborn enough to not look passed my own pride? All the compliments and cheers... I DON'T DESERVE THEM!

Aizawa-sensei and Recovery Girl tried to comfort Katsuki but there wasn't much they could do. Speaking of his homeroom teacher, and the old lady too, the eye bag man knew about this whole Deku-Mikumo-Izuku thing apparently but acknowledged that they weren't the same person. What a load of bull... He should still report it. Then again, who was he to talk? Katsuki wouldn't even open his own mouth long enough to say "Hi" nowadays. Speaking of his muteness, the blonde could feel his speech therapist's disappointment when he stopped talking altogether again. Katsuki couldn't even explain why he had suddenly gone completely mute again after he had improved so much.

He had even started talking to Gravity Girl and Sucky Hair a bit. Then he saw it. The necklace that Mikumo had given Uraraka was back on. She told them that they were back together. Did she really believe that little show he put on?! What a dunce.

Katsuki went home feeling very conflicted that night. School was hard to focus in but he refused to let his grades drop. He was still going to be a hero, the number one, of course, Katsuki was just so conflicted about what to do with Izuku. He thought that he wouldn't have to worry about it though come the training camp. That was until they were freaking attacked!


Katsuki swung his head around. Sucky Hair and Octopus were running towards him with a raging birdman following. Octopus was screaming for him to use his quirk but Katsuki had a better idea for currently, he was struggling against a crazed man obsessed with flesh and teeth. The blonde roughly pulled the two into the bushes. They watched in aw as the bird freak mauled over the crazy man. Katsuki quickly jumped out and made many large explosions, using the light to dwindle down the creature.

The bird kid fell to his knees panting. "Th- thanks. I'd did not expect Dark Shadow to get so out of control." Katsuki rolled his eyes. Just then a telepath message came in all of their heads.

"All students are permitted to fight but DO NOT go looking for a villain. Only engage in battle if you are attacked. Make your way to the cabin as safely as possible!"

Bird Head got to his feet. "You heard her. Let's make our way to the cabin." They all nodded, Katsuki, too, finding the reason in that. It was tense. A fire had spread and the heat was almost unbearable as it burned around them. Katsuki actually struggled to keep his quirk under control, one slip up and the whole area around them could blow, him mostly since he was sweating buckets. He held his breath, willing his reflexes to calm so at the sight of an enemy he does not kill them all. Suddenly he recalls Number 13's speech at the USJ so long ago about how quirks are dangerous.

Soon the group sees the cabin. Aizawa-sensei must not have seen it because of the bandage over his right eye but as he was running out of the cabin, but a villain was perched under the overhang. I need to say something! Katsuki opened his mouth.

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