Goodbye Mikumo Aizawa, Hello Izuku... Who?

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What is this? Are they doing this on purpose? Torture? This is cruel, making me do this. Though I guess they don't know that I'm fading, I haven't told them yet. Neither has Izuku. Still, this is just plain mean. I mean, I am sure we all need to contribute in this process but dang, not this part. Mikumo stared at the job application of the girl who sat across the table from him.

I very much could have rather gone without meeting the people who are applying to take our spots.

Yes, Mikumo was interviewing applicants for potential workers at Soft Blossom Bakery for when they all left. What's crueler is that he was already working with people he didn't know. Yul(Doom) and Fransy(Bubble) had already 'quit' a few days ago and Hisou(Grimlin) had 'quit' yesterday. They were doing it scattered so that it did not look as suspicious. Now they had new people in their places. It was only him, Himiki(Anima), and Triston(Jester) left. They had all come to an agreement that Mikumo would be the last to 'quit.' He didn't know if he should be thankful or just be put out of his misery sooner.

He guessed that the new workers were good and all, but Mikumo refused to let himself get close to them. After all, what was the point in getting hurt all over again before his inevitable demise?

He swallowed a sigh and glanced up at the girl sitting across from him,

"Momo Yaoyorozu," he stated, "I know your family's name. Aren't you extraordinarily rich or something?"

The heroine in training looked to the side and blushed slightly. "Th- that is right, but I still want to contribute to the economy myself!" Wow, how righteous, Mikumo thought sarcastically. "It says that you have your Provisional Hero License, is that right?" The ponytailed girl looked back at him. "That is right."

"Are you sure that your hero work will not get in the way of your work here?"

Her brows creased. "No, Mikumo, I should think not." Mikumo raised an eyebrow. "That is 'Sir' to you. We are not on that close of terms."

"But you aren't much older than-"

"I am still interviewing you, aren't I?" He cut her off. Yaoyorozu paled. "Ma'am, let me tell you how 'working for the economy' works. It is a chain of command, someone is always higher than you somewhere. In this case, I am the one who is above you because I am deciding your future at this establishment. If you want to 'contribute to the economy,' then you need to stop relying on your parent's money and their status to get you through life. In the real world, you will never succeed if you can't fight for yourself so stop thinking you can come here all priss and pretty because your parents are wealthy and have a big name. Got it?"

The poor girl looked stunned. Mikumo felt a bit bad, but he was in a bad mood and interviewing a hero course student, (Which, by the way, did he mention the hero side was one of the main reasons he had to leave the bakery?), was not something he was particularly keen on doing today.

"Now, shall we try this again?" he asked. The girl paused. "Y- yes, Sir." Mikumo grinned. "Why do you want to work here, Ms. Yaoyorozu?"

"T- to contribute to the economy?" Well, at least she stuck to her guns when it came to her answer.


She mulled over it for a second. "A- and to be able to provide for myself out of high school or higher education." "There we go," he grinned. The girl's face lit up, realizing she had answered correctly.

"Why should we choose you over other applicants?" he asked.

"I may not be very skilled in any of the fields here," Kind of putting yourself down here, girl, "but I am willing to work, even with a tough schedule, and put in the effort so that I may succeed in life." Mikumo grinned and closed her file. "Alright, Ms. Yaoyorozu, that is all. We will be contacting you in a few days on whether you got the job or not." He stood and offered his hand. Yaoyorozu stood and shook it firmly. "Thank you, Sir."

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