The Rescue

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First Day of Captivity.

Izuku half walked and was half dragged down the white corridors of Tartus. Some rooms had windows, some did not. He glanced over at a few of the rooms and recognized the villains in them, each having done heinous crimes to land them in Tartus. It was by pure chance that he saw the man named All For One in a cell. He was surprised that he had a windowed cell but if he remembered correctly, the man was blind so it didn't matter. Izuku coughed loudly, putting his head down to reach the mic embedded right above his collar bone. His guards didn't think anything of it, especially after the attack. He had a concussion, he knew it. They had only patched him up minimally, probably wanted him physically incapable escaping if he tried.

His head felt all fuzzy but that was okay.

They dragged him into a cell without windows and practically threw the greenette into a bulky white chair. The whole room was white and they had previously forced Izuku into all-white clothes, taking all of his gear and his costume. Oh. His eyes widened in understanding. I've heard of this. 'This' was a torture technique usually used in Iran called White Torture. The prisoner was held in a white room with no windows. All the clothes were white and the food was white on white. The illumination caused sleep deprivation and the solidarity caused insanity boiling down to, under long periods of time, the prisoner would go slowly insane but be too exhausted to act upon it. Luckily I am only here for seven days.

They had previously forced him into a straight jacket, which did not feel good on his wounds that they did oh so well of a job taking care of. They chained him down with white chains. And then... Wait. This isn't part of White Torture. They strapped headphones over his ears. As soon as they did, all sound was cut off. Noise-canceling. The guards swiftly turned and left the room, white door locking shut.

"I see," Izuku mused to himself, unable to hear his own words, "this is their plan, huh? They obviously don't know how long I can hold out."
He grinned. "Let us see who breaks first."


Second Day of Captivity.

Izuku officially decided that he did not like this very much. He had no clue how long he had been in here, what time it was, or if it was even day or night. His eyes were tired from the constant light. His ears felt tingly from lack of noise.


"No." He knew what this was. It was the same voice from his dreams. The one that always threatened to take his sanity, crumple it into a ball, and play trash ball with it. Izuku, come on. You know you could do so much and feel so much. "Don't need to." Are you sure? It could make you stronger.
Izuku raised an eyebrow. "How so?" You could be so much more feared and manipulative if you could feel aga- "OK!" Izuku piped. "No! I am not legit going to have a conversation with myself just because I have nothing better to do!" Are you afraid of yourself, Izuku? Izuku glared at the white wall intensely. "I do not know what that feels like." Fear is what makes you human, Izuku. Don't you want to be human, Izuku? Izuku gritted his teeth and opened his mouth to reply.


Izuku jumped at the sudden noise. It- It hurts! An incessant ringing came through the headphones. His ears were so unused to sound by now that the strange ringing hurt. He tried to cover his ears but couldn't move his arms. Izuku shook his head in hopes of shaking off the headphones but they didn't budge. The ringing stopped. Izuku leaned against the chains holding him in place panting slightly.

The door opened and someone walked in but he did not know until he felt someone undo the chains. Izuku looked up to see a man in all white with pale skin. He placed a white plate with white rice on the floor. White... The straight jacket was taken off and Izuku was allowed to eat the bland rice before he was taken to the bathroom and then forced back into his restraints. He watched from his chair as the guard left without a sound. Not that Izuku would hear it anyway.

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