WWQ - Pt. 2

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Battle of Kobe, November 3rd, 2020


Jester stood in the corner of the bunker just outside of Kobe, Japan sharpening his knives. The sound of steel on steel loud in the quiet room.


Five minutes.


Every scrape, the tenseness in the air growing ever thicker.



A throwing knife embedded itself in the center of the target at the other side of the large, large room. Jester walked up to it and clicked his tongue as it was just a bit off the mark. He pulled it out and slid the throwing knife into his throwing knife sashes that made an X over his chest. He tightened the yellow bandana over his eyes and made his way to the front of the 2000 rejects.

"It's time!" He yelled in a voice far more calm than he felt. "Let us show our doubters everything we have worked so hard to make, let's show them our fighting spirit!"




Jester whipped out his two favorite blades simultaneously and spun on his heel, climbing up the stairs. They reached the top and exited the bunker, entering the city of Kobe with heads held high. Maybe it was his 'childish charm' but Jester had always been good at motivation and the like. He grinned, a fake grin to persuade himself, and diverted into a building. Every Light had an idea of what to do to start the battle but he never stated his. Mostly cause it was really dangerous but since there was nothing that he could do really flashy, this was it. He ran to the third floor and positioned himself a few feet from the window. Jester took a deep breath and ran forward. He crossed his arms in front of his face and jumped, the glass shattering and Jester receiving multiple small cuts all over his arms.

They had always said he was too reckless.

Jester had planned this with a couple of members though and they caught him. This was how the battle started, the rejects fanning out all over Kobe. Jester ransacked two stores, Sorry not sorry, before the first flare went off and it was nearby. Jester took off to the nearest high rise, speedily making his way up the stairs. Once on the roof, he saw that the heroes and rejects had just met forces. With a quick evaluation, Dang Izuku's really rubbing off on me, of the situation, Jester decided on his first move. There was a hero flying in the air with a jetpack getting ready to shoot something that Jester decided was fire from his hands based on the flames licking at the hero's palms.

Well, I've lived a good fifteen years...!

He took a running start before jumping off the edge. He reached forward and dug his blades into the jetpack. "HEY KID!" The jetpack sparked and went haywire, flying around like crazy, taking the ginger and the hero with it. Jester felt the blades loosen the grip. It was hard to judge as they were going in loops and circles but as they neared the ground at one point. Jester yanked his blades free and made a rolling land on the road. He got up and rolled his shoulder painfully before looking up and seeing both the hero and the jetpack swirl around once more and crash into a building in an explosion.

Jester winced but turned away to face the war raging on in front of him. Seeing a member losing a fight, Jester whipped out a throwing knife and threw it with precision and force, the knife sinking into the head of the hero. The hero didn't go down though so Jester pulled a much longer blade from his belt and dashed forward. As he was running, he saw out of the corner of his eye something shining coming towards him. Jester jumped and skidded under the... laser??? He stood and looked to see a blonde in what looked like very strange knight-ish armor with a large belt.

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