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People. Lots of them. They were talking. Loudly.

Shut up. I don't care. Just let me go. Why are you all here? To put me out of my misery? Please do. I hate this. I don't even know my name, dang it. Wait. They are saying something.

They say they can help me. I have powers? Oh, those are those floating orbs. One of them can do something to shut off the others? The others are keeping me alive? I don't get it. Stop playing with me! Your laughing at me, aren't you!? One is controlling the others. Oh, that big one. Disappearing powers, one that makes powers disappear. There is something like that I think. Ah, there it is. If I just... But wait... If I just cut off a few then maybe I can meet who is speaking? Is it worth the attempt? Do I really care? Not really. I'm so done. Do I even exist really or is this just my imagination? I guess having an imagination at all would me I exist. Sadly. I don't want to exist. What's the point? I'm just... here. They say that I can be not here if I do this. Who is "they"? I don't care. Do I? I can find out. They say to do this. Maybe I should try. Not like I have anything else to do. Minus well. So I just take that one and... redirect it at that one. Maybe those over there. A thousand at a time possibly? A thousand, that's a number. A number right? I wonder. Is it just a word I made up? Probably. Maybe not. It doesn't really matter. So, I redirect it to those. Oh, wait! If I use that one to amplify this one then I can redirect it to more! Wow, I haven't felt excitement in a while. Can I call it that? Anyways... so powering up this erasing one and redirecting them to, if redirecting is even the right word, the others. Is redirecting a word? Possibly. Probably. Who cares?

Ah, light. Light? That bright! Those voices are getting louder. So loud! No, gotta keep going. More and more need to go. Just keep- Oh. My-

"GOODNESS!" he jumped back in shock. Like, legitimately jumped back. Lights were flashing and voices were yelling, SCREAMING. He blinked rapidly.

"Ev- one. Give -pace. Give- -im -spa- ce." The voices died down. He took a few minutes (hours?) to reorient himself. His vision cleared to see a white room with machines that beeped and people that looked worried and a bed that he laid on. He?

"Izuku?" one of the voices spoke softly. He whipped his head to the blonde female. Izuku? Oh, wait, I know that name. It... It's me, right? And that... She looked familiar. So familiar. Almost like...

"Bu- ble -um?" he choked out. His throat hurt. The female gasped. He tensed as she suddenly lurched forward and wrapped her arms around him. It hurt. His skin BURNED at the touch but he wanted nothing more than to be in her embrace. He slowly lifted his arms, the felt like lead, to hug her back. When she finally let go, Izuku looked around. Man, he felt like he hadn't seen them in ages. Well, he hasn't. "Wh- ere am -I?" Someone sat on the side of his hospital bed, cause, oh, he was in a hospital. He turned his stiff neck slowly to look at the man he recognized as his father.

"Izuku," the man started slowly, "you are on the Isle of the Quirkless. Do you know who I am?" Izuku lifted an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly. "Sho- uta Ai- za- wa? My D- ad?" he asked like it was obvious. He could tell that Dad was trying to hold it together. "Yes," he replied softly. "Are you still using my quirk to hold back the other quirks?" Izuku nodded, opting to not use his words. His throat felt like someone had taken a cheese grater to it. Dad looked at everyone, Izuku falling his gaze. It seemed as all of the hope they just held had left the second he nodded. Dad looked back at him with sad, longing eyes.

"Izuku I need you to listen to me," he started in a gentle but tired tone. "You forgot all of us, aside from me and Shinsou," Where is he by the way? "about halfway through our trip. You forgot me around the end of it. For over two years now you have been in an almost brain-dead state. The only reason you have been alive is by quirks that have kept you alive. The only reason you are talking and remembering us now is that you are using my quirk to turn off a massive amount of them. But Izuku... you can't do that forever so..." the man paused.

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