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this is a sneak peek for my upcoming angst story...i hope you guys appreciate this unlike mirror—this is actually something i'm proud about...

These years, love has completely evolved into something else, something more powerful, something strong—which scares most of us the most.

Will time really heal the broken promises of love?

Kim Taehyung was a handsome boy—growing up with only his mom by his side, he learned how to survive the world without an image of a father and all throughout the process, he fell inlove with the Daegu's most successful businessman, Min Yoongi.

As love slowly comes, the faster it fades— Taehyung slowly realized that Min Yoongi was a crazy obsessive lunatic, a good for nothing fool—and as time passes by, the more eager was Taehyung to escape the one he considered his home.

Tired of everything, Taehyung wanted to be free and fabricated his own death. There, he met Jeon Jungkook, a successful plastic surgeon, who had recently lost and grieved over his husband, Park Jimin. As he reached out for help to change his whole face to hide his trails from his husband, Yoongi—Jungkook had agreed to change his face, with the face he missed the most— he changed Taehyung's face into Jimin's.

And so Taehyung has been freed, or so he thought.

Notes before the start:
○Jimin and Taehyung will switch faces here, it seems hella confusing but Taehyung has Jimin's face before his surgery and his real face is the result after the surgery.

○This idea is not mine, this is from a korean drama— Love In Sadness.

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