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"Taehyung! You know I can't do all the work here!" Jimin complains, having Taehyung as a partner for an assignment, definitely wasn't the best idea ever.

"Ugh fine, leave it to me"  Taehyung rolls his eyes and sat down, looking at jimin who's mouth was agape; "what are you staring at?"

Jimin was totally shocked, Kim Taehyung the world's—well school most known hoe was....actually willing to do the assignment all by himself, Jimin couldn't believe it, Taehyung was mostly known to ditch his partners and let them do it on their own.

"N-nothing.. it's just..it's a really big assignment, if we fail our grades will–"

"I'll take care of it."

Jimin wants to cry, Taehyung definitely was joking when he handed him an empty paper on the day of submission.

"A-are you kidding me?!" Jimin asks, Taehyung just shrugs and laughs.

"Just write your name next to mine and pass it to Mr. Jeon" Taehyung explained, Jimin feels as if his world crushed down, what was this bitch doing? Passing an empty paper to Mr. Jeon Jungkook–an amazingly hot teacher, that would be the end of him, plus, he's totally gonna fail.

He sighed as Taehyung urged him to go. He was fumbling with the paper out of nervousness, what if Mr. Jeon fails him by doing this and calls his parents? He'd totally be in trouble.

Mr. Jeon was quick to approach him and see the content of their paper, he furrows his eyebrows as he sees Jimin look down, Taehyung stood up, next to Jimin who was grinning from ear to ear, this bitch.

Mr. Jeon pats Taehyung's head as Jimin gasped in shock, what?

"Good job the two of you, you got the highest grade in the assignment." Mr. Jeon smiled as he folded the empty paper, throwing it in the trash.

What the fuck was going on?

Taehyung smiled; "Ah, being a "hoe" has it's perks doesn't it? Perfect grades, and a hot teacher for a boyfriend."

Jimin gasps in shock as he looked at Taehyung winking at Mr. Jeon who smiled in return and continued grading papers.

Being partners with Taehyung wasn't so bad after all, Jimin thought.

Don't Wanna Cry (heavy editing) Where stories live. Discover now