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i've forgotten that i haven't updated for years :))

starting this story off, taehyung really wasn't much of a happy person, but he got a lot of admirers for his charm, but his charm was no use for he was arranged to marry someone he didn't even know.

his memory was vivid, remembering meeting this boy named jimin back when they were five, but til now, he forgot how the boy he needs to marry looks like.

being in this family who looks after image than their own lives—pretty much sucks, and taehyung knew it well.

he walked across the garden until he reaches his gate and opened the door to go outside.

❝why the long face, bun?❞ someone from behind him said, making taehyung, jump and shriek.

❝oh jungkook you fucking bitch, you scared me.❞ taehyung heaved a sigh, hands reaching out to put a hand onto his beating heart— showing how scared he was.

❝eh..sorry, anyways, ready for your special day tomorrow?❞ jungkook asked, hands inching towards taehyung's soft locks.

❝i don't know..i don't have a fucking choice, i really don't want to but i can't fucking do anything.❞ taehyung huffed.

❝agh don't cry, you'd look good in a wedding dress!❞ jungkook joked, laughing hard as taehyung looked at him annoyed.

❝who said i was gonna wear a stupid dress? —besides, it's not like i'm going anyways...❞ taehyung admitted to which jungkook had his eyes wide opened—hinting at the clue.

❝jungkook, we can run away..you and me, you know how we feel about each other...so why don't we?❞ taehyung desperately asked.

❝taehyung...it's not easy, you aren't thinking it through, jimin is the best for you—❞

❝no jungkook fuck—you know what? just..forget it i want to go home..❞ taehyung coldly replied as he slammed the gate behind him and walked away.

taehyung waited patiently for his driver—who asked to go to the bathroom shortly to which taehyung agreed to for the wedding was hours away from now.

he was awoken from his trance when he felt someone open the car door and sat on the driver's seat to which he thought—was his driver.

❝weren't you out a minute ago—j-jungkook?!❞ taehyung screamed—eyes widening as jungkook groaned softly.

❝shh, quiet, we're gonna get caught..❞and with that, jungkook started driving.

❝j-jungkook i-i—❞

❝taehyung i thought about this yesterday after we fought, and i realized, i don't want to see you with somebody else, and i don't want to be with someone else as well, and i'm willing to risk anything to run away with you.❞ jungkook said as he continued driving with taehyung secretly smiling at the back.

but one question still lingers in jungkook's mind— what if he didn't? what if he didn't do what he just did—he'd probably be regretting a lot of things right now, but he's happy he did it, or forever will he regret.

Don't Wanna Cry (heavy editing) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant