"FIREFLY" [58]

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are you guys enjoying my updates? i feel like y'all dont want it but here's an update😭😭✊❤

taehyung just didn't know how he ended up like this.

he remembers it so vaguely, his family humiliated and burned alive as he watched slowly and painfully as they cry for his help.

and there he felt it,  a hand on his shoulder,  calming him down,  telling him everything  will be alright, and there he fell inlove, the feeling he never thought he'd feel something like this for someone.

a tear fell down from his eyes, he couldn't do anything, his parents were dead, the one he loved was dead, just to keep him safe and to add to that,  he's been living with it for thousands of years already.

he walked the streets of Seoul as almost every year,  there was something new every time, looking back to how it started and how it was now,  it was totally different thousands of years ago.

almost every year, he had to act as if he doesn't know everyone living here,  he had to act as if he doesn't know what they've done in the past.

when clearly he knows everything about them.

he remembers,  seeing his parents again—although this time,  they couldn't recognize him, they looked happy and wealthy, just the same old happy family with a different son.

a son who was luckily not cursed.

he felt as if he burdened his family with his whole being,  revenge, he wanted to kill the ones who killed his parents.

although in their life now—those who seemed so powerful in their past life,  is seen struggling today,  as if they were cursed to live that way.

taehyung never felt more happy,  he finally saw the ones who destroyed his family, dying in their poverty and hunger.

they deserved it,  they deserve every single thing happening to them right now,  taehyung was satisfied.

although the boy he had fell deeply inlove with,  he had never saw him again, not even once after he died, taehyung missed him deeply but after some time looking for him,  taehyung gave up.

he was nowhere, how could it be possible?

he closed his eyes momentarily as he walked slowly, he felt so dizzy,  was this a sign?  is he finally dying?

the thought of dying—taehyung never felt more happy, after all those years,  he can finally rest.

he groaned as his arm bumped into someone; "hey,  you alright?"

he heard that voice before, oh how he remembers it but he couldn't seem to grasp the situation.

the man standing before him,  was oh so familiar.

it hit home.

the man standing before him, the one he's been searching for years,  he was finally here,  he finally saw him again.

taehyung didn't know what happened, but it felt like he wanted to stare at the man he missed forever,  hug him,  kiss him.

but sadly he couldn't.
"i can't let them get you,  taehyung and you know that.. " taehyung cried as he shook his head.

"n-no jungkook,  please....you can't leave me...not like this please.." taehyung cried out to which jungkook just smiled,  coughing out drops of blood and saying his last words.

"run taehyung,  survive for me.. my love..."
after years he finally saw him,  his home, his love,  his firefly.
"j-jungkook..." taehyung just couldn't believe it,  he was standing before him, he was alright,  he wasn't hurt, totally different from the last time he saw him.

"uh.. sorry?  do i know you?" jungkook asked,  eyes holding confusion as he stared at taehyung.

"n-no you don't..u-uh i just saw it on your nametag... " as jungkook let out a nod,  completely believing taehyung.

"uh well,  i'll get going then, it seems you're doing fine now. " jungkook smiled and walked away.

taehyung just clutched his chest, oh how much he missed that voice, he wanted to run and tell him how much he misses him, but he wanted jungkook to live his own life,

even if it was without him.

after a thousand years,  he finally saw him.
"in my next life i would be a....firefly"

taehyung never thought he could laugh as hard as this one.

"a-a firefly?!" taehyung stuttered through his laughs.

"a firefly." jungkook stated,  taehyung finally came down from his laughs and decided to ask.

"why's that?"

"i want to be your firefly,  i want to be your light whenever darkness comes."

taehyung never slept with that thought the whole night.

after years he finally saw him,  his home, his love,  his firefly.

the end.

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