Chapter 21: Garden of Graves

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Recap: Amanda is jealous of (Y/n) and Kion's relationship, so she attacks (Y/n). Roman stops the girl, and tells (Y/n) about his family.

Kion had no time to register a fist flying towards him.


Roman's punch landed across his face.

"What the hell?" Kion exclaimed. He wiped his nose. It dripped with blood. "Seriously what the hell man?"

Roman narrowed his eyes at his brother. "Some bitch named Amanda fucking attacked my friend (Y/n). And you want to know why?" he paused, "because of you. Because of whatever relationship you have with (Y/n)."

"Wait what?"

Roman rolled his eyes. "Were you even listening to a word I said?"

"Yes, I just--Is (Y/n) alright?" Kion asked with worry. He felt a sinking feeling in his chest.

"Yeah I stepped in before it got to bad, but that's not the point. Just stay the fuck away from (Y/n)."

Kion's eyes flashed with anger.

Who is he to tell me what to stay away from my sweet rose?

"Oh yeah? Why should I?"

"Because don't you see, this happened because of you." Roman pressed his finger into Kion's chest. "(Y/n) needs someone who can protect her not someone who has only caused her pain."

Every word broke Kion's heart a little more. He didn't bother saying anything else. What was the point? Roman was right. He was the one who hurt (Y/n). He didn't deserve her. To be honest, he'd be surprised if she even wanted to see him again.

Roman stormed away, unaware of the damage he had caused.

Kion sat down and stared at the sky. He wanted to be the one to make (Y/n) smile. His lips curled in a sad grin. She really was beautiful when she smiled. A sudden rush of determination washed over him.

He would get rid of Amanda. For (Y/n).


"Amanda?" Kion yelled running up to the girl. He had made sure to clean up his face before he met with the girl. She couldn't get suspicious; it would ruin his plans.

Amanda flinched when she turned around. However as soon as she saw the blonde prince, her face lit up.

"Kion, I knew you would come back to me."

Kion cringed, but he mustered a short, fake smile.

"Hey, I was thinking we could take a walk. I thought about what you said. It's been too long since we met up."

Amanda's heart sped up.

Ah, he--he's talking to me. He wants to be with me.

She momentarily forgot about her earlier encounter, which had left her injured. "Yes of course!" Amanda exclaimed. However, she was oblivious to his true intentions.

Kion grabbed her hand, causing a yelp of pain from the female. "Umm are you alright?"

Amanda nodded quickly. She would deal with the pain if it meant she could hold Prince Kion's hand.

He led her to the garden. The flowers had long since withered and died leaving behind nothing but green. Amanda felt a shiver run up her spine. Just the breeze. The vine's blew in the wind, moving like thin, long fingers reaching towards her. Trying to grab her.

Amanda stepped closer to Kion. He looked towards her in sick amusement. "What?"

"Oh it's nothing," she hesitated. Something didn't feel right. She just couldn't put her finer on it.

"Well come on then," Kion pulled her down the brick path.


Is that Kion? (Y/n) asked herself.

She saw the blonde walking with another person. (Y/n) began walking towards the group. She wanted to thank Kion for the painting. Sure, she was still a bit shaken from the earlier encounter, but she didn't blame Kion. Amanda was crazy. It was a shame that he had to deal with her.

The other person turned their head slightly. (Y/n) caught a glimpse of the girl: Amanda. This made her pause.

What are they doing together?

(Y/n) watched as they walked farther and farther away. She considered warning Kion about the girl, but she figured she would approach him when he was alone. With a shrug she walked away.


"We're here," Kion announced. He let go of the girl's hand. He was repulsed by her touch.

What would (Y/n) think of me if she saw me holding another girl's hand?

Kion shook his head clearing his thoughts. He was doing this for (Y/n). He was going to make things right.

Amanda looked around the area. She was somewhat underwhelmed, but she hid it well. She stood in front of a fountain. Surrounding the pair was an overgrown garden. Weeds grew through the cracks in the brick path. The wind was stronger here. The leaves rustled, their whispers carried through the air.

"Why did you bring me here?" Amanda asked. She walked over to the edge of the fountain and looked down at her reflection. The water wasn't clear, but she could still see herself. But there was something else there.

Kion walked up behind the girl. He placed one hand on the side of her neck and brought her closer to himself. She felt his warm breath on her ear.

"Count to five Amanda. I have a surpise for you," he whispered ignoring her question.

She closed her eyes. Kion could see the excitement on her face. It was sickening.


Amanda gasped as Kion's hand rested on her chin.


Kion's hand moved up to her bottom lip, rubbing small circles.


Amanda let out a sigh as the male caressed her cheek.


Kion pushed a stray hair out of her face.


Amanda felt his hands momentarily leave her face.

"I love you Kion," she said. She stood still in anticipation.

Kion's hands shook as he moved them to the back of her head. With a firm grip he pushed her head down. Her body hunched over. A loud splash sounded through the quiet garden. It was as if nature was holding it's breath.

Amanda struggled to pull herself up. She scratched at his hands trying to pull her off of him. Her lungs burned with the need for air. The struggle left her body after around a minute.

Kion released his hold on her head. It floated back to the top. The deed was done. She was no longer a problem. Kion felt nothing but relief. He had protected (Y/n). Sure, he had indirectly caused the problem, but in the end he did the right thing. Amanda deserved it. After all, it was okay if it was for love, right?

He looked at Amanda's still body with distaste. He was tempted to walk away, but he couldn't just leave her like that. Someone would find her, and it was too suspicious.

He pulled the girl's body up and dragged it into the overgrown brush. He set her down in the dirt, hidden away from sight. Satisfied with his work, he walked away from the area. Nature and time would do the rest.

A single leaf fell onto Amanda's cold body. Another gust of wind passed through the area. And once again life regained its breath.

1064 words

10K chapter my dudes! I hope you like this chapter, I tried to make the atmosphere more tense and eerie, but I don't know if it really worked. 😂

Next Update: Wed/Thurs

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