Chapter 2- True Lies/House of the Rising Sun

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3rd Person P.O.V.

When Jessica Gilbert arrived at the Whittmore campus, she walked into the middle of Caroline and Elena's conversation. "You're not going to be an anything major if we get exposed as vampires!" Elena says loudly.

"Wow, think you can say that louder, Lena? I don't think everyone heard you," Jessica jokes, and both girls look at her before breaking into grins and hugging her. Caroline tells her that Tyler is pushing off his enrollment and she doesn't know what she's doing with him. "I think you should just move on, Care. You're so much better than him," Jessica reminds her before she recalls her dream and she stops. "I have to tell you guys something."

"What is it?" The two girls ask simultaneously, worried about what news Jessica could have.

"You guys remember how I told you that Katherine had a kid?" They nod and she continues. "Well, what I didn't tell you is that that kid grew up and wanted to find her mother so she became a vampire as a way to search for another vampire. Apparently, according to a dream I had last night, she had a threesome with Rebekah and Matt and stole the Gilbert ring."

"What?" Elena asks, cutting her off, making Jessica roll her eyes and sigh.

"That's not important, what's important is that she used it to track Matt back to Mystic Falls with her traveler boyfriend and inserted him into Matt so that she can use him to find her mom."

"What's a traveler?" Elena asks as they begin to walk to Applied Microbiology again.

"A kind of witch," Caroline answers, shocking Elena at her knowledge while Jessica continues the explanation.

"They practice more natural magic than witches and they hate witches for having more power. They think the magic they use is corrupted, which it is, but so is the travelers' so they can't really talk. Travelers, also known as gypsies, are annoying and nobody but other travelers can stand them. They're very antagonistic to all but other travelers. Katherine was born a traveler and consequently so were we, Lena, but as with witches, you can't be both traveler and vampire. Their favorite trick is placing themselves into someone else's head for spying purposes as Nadia did with Matt."

"Nadia?" Caroline questions as they take their seats in the lecture while Elena tries to absorb all of Jessica's information.

"Katerina's daughter," Jessica responds.

"What's up with Mer?" Caroline suddenly queries and Jessica sighs quietly.

"Rebekah came over to the mansion today and said that Elijah tried to get her to help Klaus with the whole baby thing and she hadn't heard from him all summer. At first, she thought he was respecting her wishes but she tried to call him when she got back to Mystic Falls but he hasn't been answering. She was worried Klaus had done something and Mer, being Mer, hurried after her to go save her prince after she told him Nik would dagger him," she whispers.

"And consequently, you're pissed at her," Caroline finishes, as the professor calls them out.

"Because that rancid smell comes from a very specific bacteria. Isn't that right, chatty girls in the back? And what is that bacteria?" He taunts.

Elena and Caroline scramble for an answer while Jessica closes her eyes. "Actually, the bacteria simply allows the body to decompose which of course does release a small smell but most of the smell comes from the fact that when a person dies, as their organs shut down, they release their bladders and defecate to clear their organs which causes a far more overpowering smell," she answers as the teacher stands there stupefied.

"Umm, that's a, um, a valid point," he stutters as Jessica stands with Elena and Caroline following her action. "Ms," he prompts, unsure how to handle the three girls about to leave his class.

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