Chapter 13- Le Grand Guignol/ Farewell to Storyville

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3rd Person P.O.V.

While Jessica's friends in Mystic Falls were having a funeral for her at the grave that she once occupied, her friends in New Orleans were being terrorized by the resurrected witches. Hayley had given her family the mixture to heal them but Oliver had lured Rebekah to the woods and Celeste had lit the plantation house on fire with Hayley inside while Sophie stabbed Klaus with Papa Tunde's blade. After mind searching revealed Rebekah and Marcel's betrayal, Klaus was ready to end them both until Elijah stabbed him with the blade once again to give them time to escape.

As Klaus lays in bed, with the blade buried into his chest, he can't help but be overcome by the same memories that overtakes his every free moment now that Jessica is dead.

1000 years earlier- Mystic Falls territory.

Jessica Carter stands with her best friend Rebekah as they watch Niklaus flirt with Tatia. Jessica turns to Rebekah distraught. "I just don't understand, Bekah. What does she have that I do not? I thought that Nik loved me but if that is true, then why is he flirting with her?"

Rebekah frowns. "I know that my brother loves you and he is not the only one of them, but I saw Tatia kissing Elijah in the stables yesterday," she gossips as they watch the couple walk into the woods.

"If that is true, that is to say that she is leading both men on and I say we expose her strumpet-like behavior, wouldn't you say, Bekah?" Rebekah grins at her best friend, knowing that she will do what Rebekah is too afraid of her father to do, so she gladly follows her into the woods. They don't have to walk far before they find Tatia and Niklaus.

He has pushed her against a tree as he kisses along her neck, moving the dress off her shoulder to kiss that as well. "Niklaus," she gasps in pleasure and Jessica has to push back the tears she feels at seeing the man she loves kissing another but also the bile rising in her throat at what Tatia is doing.

"You have got to be kidding me," she snarls, causing the two to break apart, but she ignores Nik for the time being, focusing on Tatia. "You'd think that one brother would be enough, wouldn't you, Bekah? But the poor harlot can't settle for Elijah or Nik, she thinks she deserves them both." She sees the hurt on Nik's face but doesn't turn to him, instead focusing on the girl in front of her as tears rise into her eyes. "Make a choice Tatia, and soon because if you don't, I'll tell the entire village that you're a trollop, and Mikael will ensure that his sons stay far away from you," she sneers, backing away to let Tatia leave and she does, running away.

Rebekah watches as the pair faces each other and follows Tatia, not wanting to be in the middle of a fight. "Jessica," Niklaus begins but she cuts him off with a scoff.

"I don't want to hear your excuses Niklaus because I have a feeling that I know what they will be. More talk of how Mikael is right, you are a coward and weak and that is why you couldn't help yourself and I don't want to hear it because I know they are lies! You only become those things if you allow yourself to, so save your breath!" She turns away to leave, but the broken sound of Klaus' voice stops her.

"I heard Elijah confess his feelings for you yesterday," he mutters and she turns towards him to find him looking down. "I also heard Finn a fortnight ago and Kol three days prior. I chose Tatia because I know that you would never choose me. I am not as strong or as good a hunter as Elijah, I am not as loyal or smart as Finn and I am not gifted at magic as Kol is. They can all offer you something and I can offer you nothing but pictures," he confesses with tears in his eyes.

Jessica smiles and lifts his face. "You offer me pictures that take my breath away, Nik. And you are wrong, you are as strong and as good at hunting as Elijah, you just have such a big heart that you don't want to hurt the animals, you are far more loyal and smarter than Finn, he simply has the knowledge that he gets from your mother. You have the knowledge of how to hide your pain from your siblings and dress your own wounds so that they don't have to see what your father has done.

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