Chapter 8- The River in Reverse

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3rd Person P.O.V.

As Rebekah joins Marcel's ranks to put Klaus down once and for all, Klaus sits in his house having a little therapy session with Cami while Vivianne eavesdrops, relishing in his misery. "They have all forsaken me. My siblings are as deceitful in disease just as my parents ever were. Accusing me of using my baby for my own gain, trusting others before their own blood," Klaus complains before Cami complains about using a typewriter until Klaus gets back on track. "Elijah and Rebekah have cut to the quick with their vicious lies about me. And all I've done is try to win this battle of wills over Marcel's control of the Quarter in order to reclaim our home. And don't even get me started on Jessica."

Cami was about to start complaining again, until she heard Jessica's name. She remembered Klaus saying that he cared about a girl named Jessica that knew Sean and she wanted to know more. "What about Jessica?"

Klaus sighs dramatically. "I can't stand to be around her. Every single time we are together all I can think about is the fact that I had her, she was mine and I fucked it up by impregnating another girl. Then I have to add in the fact that she is the only person I can trust but she refuses to be around me on the grounds that she doesn't trust me in the slightest. So the only person who is constantly willing to side with me hates me and only does it because of her morals. It's a miracle her morals haven't told her to kill me yet."

"What do you mean her morals?"

"Jessica's very peculiar. Take away the fact that she's a walking contradiction and you're left with the fact that she has a very skewed moral compass but moral none the less. She will choose whatever side she believes is right, which usually tends to be my side as she is the only one who seems to see that there is anything besides a monster in me." He then realizes that Cami has stopped typing and sighs again. "Type, please!" He commands and she scoffs.

"What's the point? You just repeat the same thing over and over again. Rebekah's out to get you. Elijah's out to get you. Is there anyone who isn't plotting your downfall? I doubt you trust your own reflection. As for Jessica, you do realize that everything you are saying to me is what you should be saying to her. Instead of compelling yourself a therapist, try actually talking to the girl you love. You might actually get somewhere with her if you told her how you felt and apologized for cheating on her," she points out as Vivianne steps into the room.

"She's got a point, Nikki," she says mimicking Jessica, knowing it'll piss him off. "You have to realize that the reason Jess hates you isn't because you cheated on her after your sister killed her brother but because you haven't exactly done anything to acquit yourself. You've merely apologized and hoped for the best."

"I got her humanity back on," he defends and she scoffs.

"You were the reason it was off, not to mention that it was Caroline who performed the actual act, not you." She turns to Cami with a smile. "You can go, no need for you to suffer with Klaus any longer." Cami obeys, more than happy to leave the two bickering ex-lovers.

Meanwhile, Jessica is awakened in her dorm to a phone call from her best friend, Caroline. She tells her that Jesse was turned into a vampire that fed on vampires so Elena killed him and Damon tortured Dr. Maxfield and now Damon is missing. She assures her that Elena is going to find him and that she already has a lead, she simply thought that Jessica would want to know. Jessica thanks her before getting up and going to look for her new friend.

She finds Josh lurking around the shadows of the quarter and smiles as he jumps, not having heard or sensed her. "Why are you here?"

She grins. "I told you that I want to be friends, Josh. Which is why I want to help you because I help my friends."

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