lost you

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##; | june 20th,, 2020.

rosey and jeongin's relationship was not toxic; in fact, it was quite the opposite

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rosey and jeongin's relationship was not toxic; in fact, it was quite the opposite. their romance began to interfere with things they told each other they would never mess with.

why was it so difficult to connect as usual these days, despite their commitments at the start of their relationship?

their bond was fraying, and they were both well aware of it. they cared for one other in ways no one could comprehend, which is why both of them were exhausted by this feeling of distance dragging them apart.

jeongin no longer checked in on rosey when she's spent hours alone in her room; he was too preoccupied with vocal practices that his managers piled on him.

she was no longer contacting him and asking when he would be home; she wasn't looking at her phone as much because she was constantly dragged into meetings.

to protect themselves, they began to keep secrets from one another. jeongin never told rosey where he was while knowing it would hurt her feelings that she couldn't be included, and rosey stopped telling jeongin about her days despite knowing he always wanted the updates.

"do you think we're, i don't know," jeongin scratched anxiously at the back of his head, "acting differently with each other these days?"

rosey sat at her desk, her legs pulled up against her torso. she hummed to let him know she agreed that they did had a different attitude toward each other now. only seconds later, as she leaned her head against her crossed arms, a sigh escaped her lips.

their gaze was locked on the bland walls of their shared room or the hardwood floor, never on one other. they were aware of how difficult it would be to look at each other and have this conversation.

"perhaps this is how things should be?" rosey shrugged, inventing excuses to make the conversation less painful.

"maybe," jeongin agreed, "it could just be a sign that we've matured and are starting to move on."

rosey hummed again, agreeing with him. she didn't believe a word of it. there was no way it was intended to be this way, they were in love with one other. and there was no way they were going to start moving on without even coming to an end.

their eyes were sorrowful, and the way they spoke, with numerous explanations for why things were happening the way they did, demonstrated how much they actually cared for one another. they would care the same way regardless of how this talk ended.

they did, however, have a promise to keep.

"is this the end of 'us'?" rosey asked, raising her head to look over at the boy for the first time that evening.

he didn't glance back, but he was aware of her gaze on him and said with a sigh, "i guess so, but let's not be upset about it."

he didn't want to look her in the eyes because he knew the moment he did, he'd want to retract everything and apologize to her. but he didn't want to because of how they'd been acting lately.

jeongin was under a lot of pressure right now. he broke up with her and knows how devastated she will be regardless of what he says. 

rosey looked at him, puzzled.

not to be upset? how could she not be sad when her boyfriend of a year and a half was breaking up with her over a promise they made a year ago?

jeongin could tell from the hush that surrounded them that she was conflicted about the words they spilled from his mouth. his gaze flickered to hers for a brief moment before returning to the wall behind her.

"let's not be upset because we are no longer together; we are still friends. i'm always available to you, no matter what."

rosey's gaze shifted from jeongin to the sheets of her bed, where he sat. her sleeve-covered hands wiped away tears that threatened to flow from her eyelids.

"don't be sad; i'm still here."

jeongin let go of rosey's hand, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his side for a hug she will miss more than anything.

"i know." rosey sighed.

the good news about their breakup is that they both agreed to part ways because they didn't feel that much needed connection anymore.

It was a mutual decision.

It was also a turning point in their lives. rosey's first love was jeongin and she couldn't just forget about their relationship.

"perhaps we weren't the right people to be together, hey, maybe we are and it just isn't the right time." jeongin elaborated.

he'd be lying if he said he understood everything going on in his head right now because he was just trying to tell himself every excuse.

he was afraid to say it, but he reminded himself that even if she was to be in another relationship with someone else, he would be her biggest supporter because he only ever wanted her to be happy.

"perhaps," rosey agreed, "maybe we will come back to each other."

"yeah, it might just need some time." jeongin expanded.

this was a moment they would never forget. it simply meant that they were maturing successfully, having these times in their lives when they needer to move on from things that they thought would last forever.

"i still love you." jeongin whispered into her ear, wiping her tears away.

"i love you, too." rosey responded.

it was the final 'i love you' they said in a way that admitted their feelings for each other.

it would be completely different every time they said those words, hugged, or spent time with each other now.

he no longer messed with her hair, her eyes were no longer glued to him with a loving gaze, her smile was no longer mirroring his smile, and the laugh he always referred to as "cute" was no longer caused by things he did.

Rosey was no longer Jeongin's
Jeongin was no longer Rosey's.

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