Chapter 3~ Big Steps to Little Things.

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Beep! Beep! Beep! That's how my day started off. My alarm clock blasted off near my ear. I half opened my eyes. It was 9:30 am. Class doesn't start until 10:30 am so I got an hour to kill or even get dressed for class. I jumped out of bed. Whaliya wasn't in her bed. Probably she left early to study hall because she had a test for one of her classes. I reflected back of what Zain had told me. I could visibly remember his words. 

"No Bianca, I mean I want  to get married with you as soon as possible. I want you home next month, so we can get married. I proposed this message to your dad and your step mom, they're alright with it unless you agree to this."

Honestly, I don't agree with this. I 100 percent disagree to getting married to my fiance next month. All he wants is sex. I hadn't given it to him for 4 years, that's why. I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I stared into the mirror as the water dripped from my face. I drew my complexion with my eyes. My olive colored skin which complimented my dark chocolate colored eyes. My red lips they just stood out the most in comparison to all my other features.Suddenly, my eyes wandered off into staring at my hickey. It revealed a nasty black color but it was the one permanent thing I had about Zayn Malik. It was forever like him in my heart as I am for him. Forever.   I looked at my engagement ring. Gosh! I was so stupid to accept such a big step to a little thing. If that ever made any sense. Zain is just a man whore. I'm starting to believe it now. He wants to get married only for sex! The fact that I ain't in love with him. Then it hit me. I'm not in love with him, I'm in love with Zayn Malik. As Mona, Zayn's grandmother said, 

"Beta, are you in love with my grandson?" 

I was so confused, because Zayn already found out about me being engaged. I didn't know if I was in love with him or with Zain. Now, by the looks of Zain's attitude about my education versus marriage and being settled down. I choose education and Zayn Malik. I think Zayn Malik loves me, too. I shook my head. I had to get ready for class. 

I pulled something on, packed my bag with my books and made breakfast for myself. I took my time eating it since I had 30 minutes or so to eat, and review previous lessons. As I chewed my toaster strudel, there was a knock on the door. It possibly couldn't be Whaliya. Curiously, I got up and went to the door. I opened it and the chancellor stood there with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Good morning Mr. Ferguson, what brings you here?" I asked with a surprised tone in my voice. 

"Ah! Good morning to you Ms. Khan. This came in for you," he replied as he handed me a ivory envelope. I took it from him. 

"Oh why thank you. Have a good day!" 

"Your welcome, and you too! Tooda loo," he replied and left. I closed the door. I opened it with my sharp finger nail. In it there was a letter from the ministry of education. It read: 

Dear Ms. Bianca Khan, 

 We have been informed about paying your tuition fees. We have sent you two warnings about your payments. You have not contacted us in regards to your situation and we hear by to remove you from our University, immediately. You must leave in the next 48 hours or extra charges will be laid. Even more so police maybe contacted if you are not out in the given time above. 

Thank you


Lisa Owen

Executive minster of U.K education and right.

 I dropped the paper onto the floor. The next 48 hours?! What the hell?! I haven't gotten any warnings about not paying my fees. I forgot to pay my fees? How does that possibly happen. I did pay my fees through my credit card, unless Zain somehow prevented me to not pay my fees. As if he planned everything ahead of time for this to happen. I had a bad feeling about him from my engagement. 

 What should I do now? This was a really big step to little things like this. Am I dreaming or is this for real? I pinched myself. Nope, it's reality. I checked my watch, I had 10 minutes to get to class, right now. I'll worry about this later. I grabbed my bag and out the door I left, and down the eerie halls I walk. 

   The day wen by  pretty fast since probably I wasn't worrying too much about my eviction notice. I casually walked back to my dorm. I unlocked the door. To my surprise, Wahliya sat there reading the letter that I dropped on the floor earlier. She had a shock face when she finished reading it. I slapped on a sheepish smirk on my face. 

"Oh Bianca. How did this happen?"She questioned softly. 

"I don't know, " I told her as I plopped myself beside her, " i think it's my fiance's fault." 

"Huh? What do you mean? How could it possibly be his fault?" She asked confused. I sighed. I placed a hand on her forearm. 

"I had a bad nightmare about my fiance beating up your brother and then my fiance started to rape me. I woke up frighten. I went to get a glass of water, then my fiance called me. He said he wants me back in Toronto next month for a earlier wedding. We agreed to that I will finish my masters then get married, but he changed his mind. I protested but it didn't work. He gave me a week to decide. Now, I have to worry about moving out," I explained her. I felt like crying but I held it in me. 

There was a solitary moment. The only thing I heard was the wind blowing on the window. 

Wahliya sighed. 

" Bianca, that's something. It's weird. I totally agree with you in a weird way," she said. 

I didn't reply. Another quiet moment. I really hate these awkward moments. 

"Bianca, what's your fiance's name if I may ask?" 

I swallowed hard. 

"Don't get weirded out by his name. His name is Zain," I said. 

She jumped from her seat. 

"What?! How do you spell it?" 

"Z-a-i-n," I spelt it out for her, " and his last name is Akbar." 

"Oh, Bianca, can I ask you a personal question if you don't mind?" 

She stared at me hard. 

"Yes, Whaliya what is it?" 

She pursed her lip inwards then made a smacking noise. 

" Do you love my brother, by any chance?" she asked. 

I looked away from her eyes. 

"I do, I love him so much but I'm too afraid to say it again because then I will be crushed," I told her. I chocked back my tears.  She nodded. 

"Well Zayn loves you,too," She says. 

I shot up alarmed. 

"What really?" I asked beaming. 

"Yup! When he found out that you were engaged, he was devastated," She explained. 

I smiled. Wahliya leaned forward to hug me. 

"Hey, it's Friday. Do you wanna go out. I know this bar where my brother use to hang out. It's so live, like all the time," she offered. 

"Sure, why not," I accepted the offer. I got up from the side of her bed and pulled out my luggage to get a cocktail outfit. Well, what have I learned today. It take big steps to little things. I have to accept the challenges which left throws at  me even the little things intakes big steps for people in society and everyday life. All I had to worry about was leaving the campus, quit my studies, get married and have 25 children with a bachelor degree in science. Eventually, I'll get yelled at Zain for me being unemployed, like the olden days or my grandmother's life. She got yelled at for being uneducated and being unemployed. I feel bad for her now, taking big steps to little things. Little things that needs big steps to accomplish them. 


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Love all my carrots!!!! <3

Luv~ The author of this wacky book!

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