Chapter 5: I Forgot

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Magnus woke up to the smell of coffee drifting in the air of the Lightwood-Bane residence. He looked to the other side of his bed . To his disappointment it was empty. He touched the sheets ...they were cold . His husband must have woken up much early today.

He could hear the calibrated footsteps on the staircase to the bedroom . His husband must be balancing something . He looked straight to the door which was left ajar. Soon quenching his curiosity Alec opened the door with his foot and came inside balancing a tray . From the smell of hot coffee drifting in the bedroom it was confirmed that the tray had a cup of it .

Alec came closer to Magnus smiling.

"The best breakfast for the best Man in the world" declared Alec happily.

He kept the tray on the bed and kissed Magnus on his cheeks .

" Today is a special occassion ? " asked Magnus smiling back .

For a flick of a second Magnus thought that he saw a sadness in those blue-eyes . The happiness was replaced with a hurtful emotion or was he wrong ?

" No ..special occassion...just wanted to do something special for the special man in my life." Said Alec smiling again.

" Alexander ..have I told you that you are the sweetest man ? " asked Magnus looking at the tray in front of him .

The tray had the special Belgium waffles along with fresh vanila -coffee ...both of which were Magnus' favourite.

"Oh God ..they are my favourites. You know how I love your made Belgium waffles. " said Magnus beaming.

" Yah ...I know...thats why I made them " said Alec .

" And I have kept warm water in the tub freshen up as soon as you finish the breakfast " added Alec.

Magnus looked amazed at Alexander.

" Why... can't I do something to care for you ..." said Alec batting his long eye-lashes.

Magnus finished the breakfast mumbling praises for Alec's cooking and Alec sat there smiling saying one or two word in between . To Magnus ,it seemed that Alec was not completely there . Yes ..he was bodily present there but not mentally. Was there something that was bothering Alec?

After the delicious breakfast ..Magnus took the bath and came out just in a towel. Alec was moving with a small paper in his hands.

" What was that ? " asked Magnus qurious.

" Nothing much since I had taken a day off thought of listing all the ingredients that are half finished for your magical potions in your store so that I could buy them when I would go for buying the groceries today ." said Alec thoughtfully.

Magnus took a little time to absorb and said " That is really thoughtful of you you always are. "

" How many clients you need to visit today ? " asked Alec not rising up his head from the list .

" Not many.... five or six...I would be back by afternoon " said Magnus getting dressed up using his magic and doing his makeup himself because he could not trust his magic for that.

" Why had you taken a leave today
Mr. Inquisitor ? " asked Magnus while drawing the fine strokes of his eyeliner over his upper eyelids.

" Nothing ...I was...I was... just tired and... feeling a little sore..thought to take rest....that's it" said Alec visibly stressing.

Magnus was getting late he looked at Alec and said "'s not bad to take rest should take frequent leaves to take rest ...your body needs rejuvenation. ....I am getting late ...I have to leave now. So you take rest and I will meet you in the afternoon. "

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