Chapter 24: The day has come

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"She lives in the shadow of a lonely girl
Voice so quiet you don't hear a word
Always talking but she can't be heard

You can see it there if you catch her eye
I know she's brave but it's trapped inside
Scared to talk but she don't know why

Wish I knew back then what I know now
Wish I could somehow go back in time
And maybe listen to my own advice"

-Little mix

-Little mix

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Crash, screams, pleads, whimper and the smell of blood.

Hands on my ears while hitting my head against the wall.

"Twinkle twinkle little star" I whispered while hitting the back of my head to the rhythm against the wall.

"How I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky" A sob escaped my lips while pulling my legs closer to my body.

"When the blazing sun is gone, when there's nothing he shines upon, then you show your little light" My voice broke while hiding my face in my hands.


Daddy was hurting mommy, mommy was begging him to stop, Daddy wasn't going to stop, Daddy was angry, very angry, Mommy was in pain, she was bleeding,
I was scared, very scared.

Crash, screams, pleads, whimper and the smell of blood were the nightmares I couldn't escape.

I'm scared, very scared alone in this dark room

Haunted by their screams and the smell of blood


Y/n's POV

I smacked my lips together after I've finished applying the red lipstick while trying ignore the little pinch in my chest. My eyes were sparkling with something I promised myself to never feel again

The day has come,

Today is the day of vengeance

Blood for blood,

Pain for pain,

Love for hate.

"Y/n are you really sure you wanna do this? I don't care about her, I really don't, I'm just asking because I'm worried about you and the fact that it's already affecting you" Jisoo asked me softly, her eyes were glistening when the light caressed her dark irises.

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