Chapter 31: Bridge between Love and Hate

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Y/n's POV

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Y/n's POV

As the warm water drops ran down my body I felt light, I felt free and for the first time in so long I felt alive. My wounds weren't healed and neither did the demons disappear in my head but for the first time in a long time the wounds didn't hurt

My eyes fell on the clothes Taehyung probably placed in the bathroom while I was showering. I picked them up before my eyes met my own reflection and my heart almost jumped out of my chest because all I could see were Taehyung's beautiful hands all over me.

My chest rose heavily and when I lifted my eyes to look at my face I didn't realize that for the first time I was smiling at my own reflection because I was seeing him and I and no one else.

Can this be real?

When I slipped into the clothes he picked out his scent filled my nose and I covered my face when the memories from earlier flashed in front of my eyes.
I took a deep breath while trying to control the smile on my lips before leaving the bathroom with a wide smile on my lips, wet hair and flushed cheeks, slowly tiptoeing down the dark hallway.

I searched for the man who entered my life in the most unexpected way and the man who had in some magical ways the biggest impact on me.

I wasn't ready to take this big step today, neither thought I will ever be in this life ever again but he opened the gates I have shut, he gained my trust with him being him. He understood me without knowing the whole story, he felt me just by the way he tried to loosen up the tensed and scary situation for me in his way. He knew my passion for art and combined it with my dark past to make me feel better, alive.

"Overthinking again?" I shrieked and suddenly every emotion I felt back in his painting room rushed through my body when his deep voice echoed after he turned on a night lamp and I spotted him standing at the doorway, his bangs were wet and he had changed into a loose shirt and grey sweatpants around his hips while his hands were deeply graved into his pockets.

I exhaled, trying to get used to this intense gaze while fiddling with my fingers. "I can't help it" I bit on my lips feeling the heat getting worse on my already flushed cheeks, I avoided his eyes while running my tongue over my lips.

"Getting shy all over again?" A deep laugh escaped his lips while he slowly made his way towards me and filled my nose with the scent of his shampoo which made the heat even worse in my cheeks.

"Being shy doesn't suit you at all wild kitten" His warm index touched the tip of my nose and made me glance up into his dark eyes in the dimly lit room.
My heartbeats fastened when I felt the familiar warmth of his eyes passing on me, I felt safe under his gaze just like I did in his painting room.

"You must be hungry, I will make you something." He said deeply and when I looked around I realized that we were standing inside his big kitchen.

"To be honest I'm starving!" I chuckled and he started laughing while pushing a wet strand out of my face, I gulped at how easily he made all of these things and was still able to daze me completely.

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