Chapter 1 - New Places

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It's always hard to fit in to a new place when you feel like an outcast to everyone around you it's also hard to live here i have moved from London to Thailand with my brother we have always wanted to study abroad in for so long and now we are doing it like we planned all a long.

It's our first day in Thailand today and it is a whole new experience for the both of us we have never travelled before my phone has been ringing of the hock with none stop calls from our mother if you can't tell she is one of them mother's who cheeks on children every 5 minutes she doesn't want her children to be on there own especially in a completely different country which is understandable but she needs to understand we are both the same age and can protect our self's and each other we are in University now studying Medicine and Engineering.

We can't really have our own apartment as our mum wants us to use our time to have the whole university experience make friends be back in our dorm by a certain time as she worries but me and my brother can't stay in the same room which is a piss take so i have to share with a loud and messy guy which if his not care full i will punch him i know i sound violent but i can't stand people like that on the other hand my brothers room mate is calm they both have many things in common which is good and today is the first day they meet and they have hit it off well they both like Football and drums.

The next morning i had an idea if my mum wants us to have the whole university experience i should join an activity on campus, I made my way to the hall where there are all different activities set up i was still deciding what club to join i have always loved Swimming and Kain had always loved football so i know he will join the football club i made my way to the Swimming table the people on the table looked at me differently i tried to keep my shit together but i thought this is going to be harder then i thought i don't think i am going to last one minute here i made my way outside the campus SHIT!! i give up with this i can't do this it's easy for Kain this Half Thai so you can't really tell his English as well.

It might sound stupid getting angry about someone looking at me but i feel like an outcast here "what's the matter with you faceace" I heard from the from the behind me it was a tall light skin guy he wore black ripped jeans and a blue shirt he seemed like the annoying type "what's it to you i replied" he walked closer to me i walked backwards l don't like people close to me "Come on Bro back up" i said he just looked straight at me i finally stopped when i felt the cold wall pressed against my back i looked at the guy in front of me he had brown eyes i tried to move away but he placed both his hands on each side of my head against the wall his face was inches a way from my face i felt myself burning up it confused me i have never felt like this around i guy before What the fuck i thought i am a man snap out of it Ken i repeated over and over in my head he had a cocky smile on his face "Do i make you nervous" he said with a smirk on his face N..noo i tried to speak out SHIT!!

What is happening to me but it came out in a stutter i pushed past him Shit this is not good i hope i don't see him anymore how can he have this affect on me i am a man and i don't even know him for goodness sake i rushed back to the hall to see if i could find my brother but he was no where to be seen he must have gone back to his room so left and took a slow walk back to my dorm feeling a little weird about what just had happened to me i just brushed it off once i got back to my room i was lucky my roommate wasn't back yet i had a sense of relief, So i made my way to my the corner of my room as i hadn't finished unpacking my boxes yet so i started to unpack them all i put my clothes in my wardrobe and put my books on my desk once i finished i decided to call my mum to let her know how it's been so far i grabbed my phone from the desk.


Face time call...

MUM: Hey Honey how are you fitting in

KEN: Hey Mum it's Okay

MUM: Why Do you look off

KEN: it's nothing

MUM: Honey what's wrong

KEN: I don't think i can stand it here they everyone seem to look at me funny

MUM: You need to get used to it's been one day

KEN: Mum you don't understand, how can i stay here if people might not want me here

MUM: Ken you did want to go and study in Thailand,

KEN: Yeah i did but now i am starting to feel out of place

MUM: Okay Honey calm down i think you should give it a month if you don't want to stay in Thailand anymore you can come back Deal!!

KEN: Deal i will give it a go

MUM: that's good sweetie if you want try and find someone friends

KEN: Okay mum i have to go now

MUM: Okay Honey, BYE



After the conversation with my mum i realised that it was my decision after all to come and study in Thailand so i must stick to it and that's what i plan on doing tomorrows my first lesson in medicine i have always wanted to be a doctor help people like they helped my father who sadly died from a Car accident they did such an amazing job keeping comfortable for his remaining days he went peacefully with no pain which my family is thank full for on the other hand i have always seen myself as good looking so i sure will have plenty on woman on me why i was deep in thought i completely forgot about my brother and how he is doing i rushed out of my room to his dorm

BANG BANG BANG.. (No Answer)

I knocked on his door but there was no reply it was dead silent so i walked around near our dorm and checked the football field but he wasn't there also so i decided to call him but there was no answer this made me worried i called him four times and every time it when to voicemail "THE PERSON YOU HAVE CALLED IS CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE AFTER THE BEEP BEEP" So i gave up trying and made my way back to my dorm i have a lesson at 9 am tomorrow so need to be there i see him on campus tomorrow.

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