Chapter 18 - The Teacher

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We made our way to meet the others in the canteen but i felt a bit distracted i need to tell Perth the true about what happened today even though it doesn't mean anything i am just help a teacher out after class but i can't help but feel a bit scared cause Perth is the possessive type and knowing that the teacher is in his early 20s could cause trouble with him he get's jealous quickly but i am going to tell him but after we finished studying with Blue at football practice i need to act normal around him i was in deep thoughts i didn't notices that Blue was calling my name " You okay Ken" He asked i looked at him and nodded at him we sat there speaking about anything and everything which kept my mind overthinking this whole thing once the bell rang we made our way to our next class i told Blue i would text him after football so we can go to the library so we can start our presentation for history, I rushed to my class not paying attention to what was in front of me i ran into someones back landing on the floor Ouch!! i shouted out my head was banging did i walk into someone or a wall i spoke to myself i looked up to see him.

It was my new History teacher he looked at me sitting on the floor giving me his hand to help me up from the floor ' Sorry i wasn't looking were i was going' he looked at me and nodded its fine don't worry about it you should head to class now or your going to be late he said before walking off my heart as beating so fast i don't know if it was because i bumped into him or because he makes me nervous i shock that thought from my head and headed to my next class which was Medicine but Blue was not in this class but my other medicine classes he is i know it doesn't make sense but that's they way it is i made my way into my classes room my teacher wasn't here thankfully once i was seated, I pulled out my books and notepad set them down on i looked through my books going over my notes from last class when i heard a famillia voice and that's when i looked up to see my history teacher stand at the desk is this guy following me i thought to myself i couldn't look at him so i went back to my work not looking up when the bell rang i knew class had ended i shot up from my desk grabbed my things and made my way out of class to football practice i couldn't stop think why has this guy everywhere i go maybe i am thinking to much about it he is a teacher so i will see him around campus so i need to get used to it.

Once i got the football pitch i headed to the changing room to get ready it was empty cause everyone was there and i was late because i took my sweet time to get there too busy in my thoughts i grabbed my kit from my locker and started to get ready and that's when i heard someone cough from behind me i didn't pay much attention and carried on getting ready until i feet cold hands wrapped around my waist it made my jump i knew who it was " I missed you this morning" i turned around to face him ' Sorry i went to get breakfast with Blue before class i didn't want to wake you' he looked at me with a pout look he looked cute " So you left me to go with a another guy" i knew he was joking i nodded to me ' He is just a friend and turned around to carrying on getting dressed he back away and sat down on the bench, Once i was ready i put my stuff in the locker and started to make my way over to Perth Lets join the other i said but from the look on his face he had other plans from the look in his eyes he looked like he was about to jump on me.

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Confused Feeling's ( B X B )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon