Chapter 26 - Three Weeks Later

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< 3 weeks later >

It's been three week since me and Perth moved to our new dorm we haven't spent much time with each other as we have been busy sometimes i get back late from help my history teacher after class and i know it pisses Perth off that he can't meet me after but he has so many assessments he needs to complete for his classes i wouldn't pull him from his studies i can deal with teacher on my our besides Blue meets me most days as we live in the same place now besides everything has been fine but i can't stop the feeling that he is up to something even Blue does but he is the one who said it and i believe him, I just finished my last class now i am heading home i don't have to help Jacob today which is good i can head home and wait for Perth to get home i have missed him once i got home i put the key in the door to my surprise it was already unlocked i pushed the door open to see Perth standing in front of me ' I thought you was in class today' he walked closer to me and pulled me into a hug " I finished my class early and assessments are all done so now i have more time for you" he said kissing me check i could feel myself blushing.

I pulled him into a tighter hug ' I have missed you Perth' he let go of me and i walked over to the bed he soon followed me over sitting next to me wrapping his arms around my waist placing his head on my shoulder " Should we go and get something to eat" i nodded i could feel my stomach growling when he mentioned eating ' Let me shower first then will go' i said getting up and heading to the shower turning on the water letting it run down my body i feel so happy that i get time with Perth we have both been busy i stepped out of the shower and dried my self off then headed back to the room where Perth saw laying on the bed reading i started to get dressed putting on a pair of jeans and a shirt then grabbing my wallet and keys i checked my phone it was 3:00 pm Perth put his book down and grabbed his things and we made our way to find somewhere to eat i text Blue to see if he wanted to join us he did and we meet him outside the building once we was all together we made our way to find somewhere to eat if didn't take long though.

We finally found a place to eat in town it was the same place me and Perth went to when we finished in the book store the other day we made our way to a table of the far corner of the restaurant we sat down and looked over the menu deciding what to order i had a feeling we were being watched so i looked up from the menu and that's when i saw him my history teacher i could help but feel my heart beating fast Why is he here? Did he follow us? some many thoughts were running through my head i could breath i got up from my seat making sure he didn't see me and made my way the bathroom and splashing water over my face i took deep breaths and drying my face and making my way to the door to join Blue and Perth again but i didn't get a chance cause he was right in front of me my teacher followed me into the bathroom and wasn't letting me out ' Excuse me Jacob' i used his name but he didn't move he kept walking so that i walked backward until my back hit the cold hard wall behind me he moved his head close to my ear and whispered " I want you Ken i know you want me to" rubbing the sides of my hips i tried to push him of but he wouldn't move he tried to kiss the side of my neck but he didn't get a chance to i kneed him the the balls and shouted 'Don't touch me i have a boyfriend' and stormed out.

I could see Blue and Perth still looking through the menus i took a deep breath and sorted my self out then went back to sit next to Perth he looked at me and asked if i was okay i nodded to him if i tell him now i am pretty sure he would go back to the bathroom he would kill him so i kept quite i know i shouldn't but i can't risk Perth getting hurt and in trouble i will tell him when we get home we finally made our minds up and ordered some food it didn't take long for the food to get to our table we eat and chatted about anything ans everything which kept my mind of what happened how could he think i wanted him i have a boyfriend and i love him and i want no one else did i give him false hope without knowing it how did he know i went to the bathroom what is this guys problem i thought to myself but i will find out for sure with Blues help of cause.

Hi there hope you are enjoying so far it will get interesting for here what is the teachers plan do you think does he want Ken or does he want to play thank you for the votes

Will Ken give in?

What will Perth do when he finds out what Jacob did to Ken?

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