Chapter 62 - Ken's Appointment

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It's one week before our break and we go back to England to visit our mum and Perth meets my mum and i am shitting myself what happens if she doesn't approve of him or wants us to break up i don't want to be away from him ever again i was typing at my computer again i have an appointment with my doctor this afternoon he wants to see everything that i have write down to much sure i have been doing it i might ask Perth to come with me today he has has offered to come a couple of times but i have always said no but today i feel like i need him there 'Perth Perth' i shouted his name he came running out of the bathroom like he has seen a ghost " Whats wrong babe are you okay" i looked at him he was worried ' Shit sorry i didn't mean to make you jump i wanted to ask if you would come with me to my appointment this afternoon' i looked back at my computer starting to type again waiting for his answer " Sure i will come with you let me finish showering" hearing him say that he will come with me to my appointment made me smile i could wipe the grin of my face it didn't take me long to finish on the computer and Perth to finish in the shower.

I flicked through all the things that i wrote making sure they were saved ready from my appointment ready over them you could feel all the pain that i had been through on one page if i was honest i teared up this is a lot for one person to go through with out doing something to themselves i checked the time so that i wasn't going to be late my appointment was at 1:30 pm and the time now was 12:30 pm if we leave now and go and grab so much time would go by quicker i turned to Perth who was sat next to me reading his book i tapped is arm softly so he would look at me and he did he looked so god damn sexy in glasses ' Do you want to go grab some lunch before my appointment' i asked he nodded putting his book down on the table and slowly removing this glasses from his face placing them down next to the book " Okay then lets go he said getting up from the sofa we grabbed everything we needed and headed out to get some lunch. 

I felt a bit nervous about my appointment today i have always gone on my own now i have my boyfriend going with me it feels different i can't really explain it we made our way to a cafe not that far from where my appointment was we were seated pretty quickly there was this waitress who keep eyeing up Perth which pissed me off she came over to take our order i have never seen someone who flirts so much she kept so flinging her hair she didn't pay much attention to taking my order 'If you are finished flirting with my boyfriend i would like to order now thank you very much' i was pissed but Perth was smiling just you wait Perth i thought to myself what i said made her jump she quickly took our orders and made her away from our table i didn't look at Perth " You are quite the possessive type " Perth said smirking to himself ' Yes because you are mine' i said making Perth blush " Yes baby and you are mine" it didn't take long for our food to arrive at our table i checked the time it was only 12:55 pm we still had plenty of time left we ate slowly and spoke about if Perth still wanted to come England with me and Kain still he was still up for it which made me happy to hear.

We finally finished our lunch and made our way to the big building which my appointment was we headed to the front desk so that i could sign in and the doctor would know that i have arrived i could feel my heart beating out of my chest i have never been this nervous before we sat will the waiting room for the doctor to come and call name which didn't take long at Mr Ken Jones the doctor will see you now we made our way to the doctors room knocking on the door waiting for the doctor to invite us in " Come in Ken" i heard from the other side of the door i slowly pushed the door open and made our way into the room where we both sat on the sofa " How are you today" he asked i was so nervous to speak in front of Perth ' I am good thank just nervous' he just nodded at me " I see you brought someone with" i smiled and nodded ' Yes i brought my boyfriend with me this is Perth i said pointing at Perth he smiled at the doctor nice to meet the doctor replied back the same " Should we get on with your appointment then did you bring your computer with everything you written down i nodded and passed over the computer so that he could read over them.

It was silent you could hear a pin drop he would nodded at everything thing he read until he began to speak " So you are planning to bring your boyfriend how to your mum but your scared she will not approve of him" he hit the now on the head with that one ' Yes i know she always supports me and my brother with everything we do but i feel this is different and i am scared she might want us to break up' the doctor just looked at me down overthink everything Ken she might surprise you and be okay with it love is love know matter who the gender is the most important thing is if you both love each other and care for each other there should be no problem he said i nodded he was right and the other thing which i am worried about Ken is that you have not yet told your mother what has happened to you and everything you have been through do you think this was the right thing to do ' No it wasn't the right thing to do but i didn't want to make her worry but next week when i go back home i will tell her everything that has happened i said that is great ken you will need to tell her we are nearly done for today but one.

Question How have you been sleeping, Have you had any nightmares? in all honest i haven't had any my sleeping has been really good i can sleep the whole night now which i am happy about is there anything else you want to talk today there was one thing but Perth is in the room i thought to myself no nothing else okay then see you next time with that we left the room and made our way back to our dorm. 

Hi there hope you are enjoying my book this one was a bit longer 

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