Chapter 53 - Perth Rushed To Hospital

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Ken's POV:
Finally the ambulance made it to us and we started to make our way to the hospital the journey felt so long the whole time i never let go of Perth's hand Blue and Kain said they would meet me at the hospital as only one of us can go in the ambulance with Perth he just laid there on the best he looked so pale he lost so much blood cause that fucking asshole shot him how could he do that to him when we made it to the hospital Perth was rushed in to the operating theatre he was bleeding so much i didn't want to let go of his hand but i had to Kain and Blue were there already i rushed to them and hugged them both tightly ' Please he has to be okay' i cried into there shoulders begging and pleading for Perth to be okay.

It feels like his been in that operating theatre for hours now i walked up and down looking for anyone who could give me answers to Perth's condition but know one could tell me a thing the last thing i remember is falling asleep on Kain's shoulder he didn't wake me he let me sleep the doctor came out of Perth's room he looked like he had new i took a deep breath waiting for what the doctor had to say he removed his mask and looked at me " I am sorry we tried everything we could to save him but he lost to much blood" i felt my world crashing down around me ' No you must try again this can't happen please i shouted and shouted Perth's name i felt some rubbing my arm calling my name i woke up laying on top of Kain's lap it's a dream it was only a dream i said over and over in my head the doctor came out of the room i jumped from my seat asking how Perth was the doctor answered pretty quickly explaining he lost a lot of blood and needs to rest and he will wake up when he i ready we need to give him time which is understandable i thanked the doctor and made my way to Perth's bedside and took his hand in mine and held it all night waiting for him to wake up.

He looked so pale with all the tubes sticking out of him there was a machine which was giving him blood as he lost so much it pains me to see him like this but i know he will come back to me he has to he can't leave me i won't let him the doctor came into the room saying that i have to leave so they can check on him i didn't want to leave his side but i had no choose Blue came into the room and pulled me outside i was screaming for him to let me go i know i most likely sounded like a child but i just couldn't leave him it was only a couple of minutes they went in to see Perth but to me it felt like hours went the doctor finally come out i waited for him to tell me what was wrong and if he was okay " He is fine he just woke up but we need to watch him closely he lost a lot of blood" i could stop the smile on my face he is awake ' Can i go see him ' the doctor nodded and i ran as fast as i could back to Perth's room i could hear them laughing behind me but i didn't care i needed to see how Perth was doing i was worried sick about him. . . . . .

Hi there i hope you are enjoying my book so far thank you to the people who have supported me and voted for my book it means a lot thank you

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