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It still doesn't feel real to me. I'm carrying a baby girl and it's so surreal. Brad is really excited to have another princess in our lives. I can just imagine he's gonna be the cutest softie with our little girl. I'm so excited.

'Good morning my love' Brad softly planted a kiss on my forehead as I slowly fluttered my eyes open.

'Good morning my sweet' I grinned. I climbed closer to him and he pulled me into his arms.

'Did you sleep okay?' He whispered as he play with my hair. I yawned and nodded my head in reply. 'Let's have a lie in today' He suggested.

'I would love that' I giggled. 'Did you sleep alright?' I asked.

'Not really' He shook his head and sighed. 'I was just too excited to sleep' He laughed. I rested my chin on his chest and I looked at him in awe.

'I can just imagine you being a softie' I giggled. 'You're gonna spoil our princess aren't you' I chuckled.

'Gonna spoil with all the love I have for her and for you' He grinned. 'But honestly, we only got a few months left. We should start buying a cot, a pram and all that' He said.

'Yeah' I sighed 'Where we gonna put it though?' I asked.

'We can rearrange some furniture here and make more space?' He suggested. 'If you want to, that is' He said.

'Yeah we could do. I could get rid of this bedside table, the floor lamp over there and this chest of drawers which I hardly ever use anyway' I said. He nodded his head in response.

'But you can't do any of the heavy lifting' He said in a serious tone, pointing his finger at me and booped my nose.

'Yes sir, I won't' I laughed. 'Get the boys to come and help? Spencer isn't home' I suggested.

'Yeah I'm gonna need another set of arms to be honest' He laughed. He took out his phone to call the boys. I just had a light bulb moment. I want to prank Bradley, I have been so inactive on my YouTube channel so I wanna come back with a bang. I have been seeing this prank trending on YouTube, where you pretend to be really moody all day to see how the significant other react.


'Hey guys, the muscle men have arrived' Connor shouted excitedly as he opened the front door along with James and Tristan.

'Oh really? Where?' I looked outside.

'That was rude' Tristan gasped.

'Okay I'm sorry' I laughed. 'Thank you guys for coming, appreciate it' I smiled.

'Anything for you little one' James smirked, patting his hand on my head. 'Is it just me or did Quinn shrink?' He joked.

'Hahaha very funny' I rolled my eyes. 'Bradley, they're being mean' I frowned.

'Never pick on a pregnant woman' Brad wrapped his arm around me protectively but he still sniggered with laughter.

'Whatever' I lightly chuckled. 'Off you go, get to work' I grinned. We all headed upstairs and I sat on my bed, watching them crack on. It is time for me to prank. I quickly hid the camera underneath my pillow discreetly.

'Could you be a dear and get me water?' Tristan asked.

'Am I a slave?' I frowned.

'I mean..' Connor shrugged his shoulders. 'Just kidding, don't cry' He laughed.

'That was mean though. Fine, I know where the door is' I scoffed. I slowly stood up and walked out of my bedroom door.

'No, you stay. I'll get the water' Bradley grabbed my hand as I was about to walk down the first step.

'No it's fine. Carry on' I huffed. I felt so bad but I flinched my hand away from his grip and carried on walking downstairs. I decided to grab two huge water bottles from the fridge for the boys to share. As I was walking upstairs, I could hear Brad talking about me.

'Does she seem okay to you?' He asked quietly. I quietly stand still behind the door.

'She does seem a bit off but it's probably just the pregnancy hormones' James replied. Or it's a prank , James.

'Your slave delivery is here' I sarcastically said, giving Tristan a bottle and I put the other bottle on the floor beside him. I sat back on the bed, carefully behind the camera but not blocking the view too much.

'One drawer down. One more chest of drawers and a floor lamp to go' Connor cheered. I sighed as loud as I could and laid down on my side, hugging the pillow.

'Are you having a nap?' James asked. 'Because it's quite loud here. Go to Spencer's room or something' He suggested.

'Kicking me out of my room? Damn. I know when I'm not wanted' I sighed. I feel so bad for being so moody when they're all trying to help. Bless their hearts.

'Woah, I don't know where you got that information from. We noticed that you're a bit down in the dumps so go take a nap so you'll feel refreshed afterwards' Connor said.

'No' I bluntly replied.

'Babe, come here' BrAd said as he wave his hand at me, signalling me to go to him.

'I'm fine' I abruptly said. 'Just get on with whatever you're doing' I rolled my eyes. I'm sorry my Bradley boo but it gotta be done.

'I'll turn the TV on for you' Tristan said. He grabbed the tv remote and turned it on. My heart melted.

'No turn it off!' I raised my voice at him.

'Dude. I'm trying to help' Tristan sighed.

'I'll just go' I sighed. I discreetly grabbed the camera from under my pillow and held it in my hand as I walk out of my room.

'Baby' I heard Bradley shout from behind. 'Wait, did I do something? You were really happy this morning, what's wrong?' He asked, looking so concerned. He placed his finger under my chin, lifting my head up to look at him. I tried my hardest to not smile because he's being so sweet but I gotta continue.

'I'm sick and tired of people asking if I'm okay. I'm fine' I bluntly replied. He raised his eyebrow and shook his head.

'Quinn, you're not fine so don't even lie. We all know you. You normally tell me when you're not feeling great so I'm guessing I have done something. Tell you what, to make up for it I'll cook us dinner later?' He suggested. Eeek, I feel like a bitch right now.

'Go have dinner with the boys' I shrugged my shoulders and looked away. He cupped his hands on my cheek and kissed my forehead.

'No, you can shout at me or whatever you want but I'm not leaving you. The boys can carry on without me, I'll cuddle with you until you fall asleep' He took my hand and guided us to Spencer's room.

'Can you leave, please? Just go home' I frowned, crossing my arms to my chest.

'But why?' He asked. His eyes teared up and he genuinely looked so worried. 'I feel like I have done something to upset you and it's hurting me not knowing what. I don't like seeing you like this' He sighed, running his hand through his brown locks. I laid on Spencer's bed, facing the wall as Bradley is stood behind me.

'Leave' I sighed. I heard no response. I could still hear him sighing and shuffling about in the room. 'Brad' I said.

'I love you' He sighed. I turned around and smiled at him. He looked so confused but he smiled back. I giggled and jumped in his arms.

'I love you more' I kissed him. I looked at him again, he raised an eyebrow and shook his head in confusion. 

'What just happened?' He asked, tightening his grip around me and hugged me so tight.

'It's a prank baby' I laughed. 'Being moody all day to see how you would react' I giggled.

'Oh my god' He laughed, shaking his head. 'I was so confused! I even asked the boys if they noticed as well. I was getting worried like did I trigger you or did I do something to hurt you. I was going to cry' He laughed.

'I know, I honestly felt so bad! I'm so sorry, can you forgive me?' I giggled.

'Of course I forgive you' He kissed me and hugged me again. 'Don't ever do that again though' He chuckled as I rest my head on his chest as we hug.

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