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Liked by quinnjonesxo and 97,482 others

Still stealing my hoodies when pregnant but wouldn't change it for the world. 3 more months to go. I love you.

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quinnjonesxo Aw you love it when I wear your hoodie though don't lie😉 I love you more than most❤️
tristanevans the fact that she fits in your hoodies even with a huge bump, damn she be tiny😂
connorball 3 more months left oh my god that's gone by so quick!

'God I look huge' I sighed, looking at the mirror as I stand next to Ella. 'I miss being a size 8' I chuckled lightly.

'We'll go to the gym after the birth' Ella laughed.

'Not too soon I hope' Brad chuckled. 'Gotta let yourself heal first' He said. I nodded my head in agreement as I stare at myself in the mirror. I stare at my belly and smiled in pure happiness.

'You guys make me want a baby' Ella giggled.

'For real I'm so excited for you and Spencer to have a baby! Our babies are gonna be cousins, how cute is that?!' I squealed in excitement. I turned around and looked at Brad who laughed and shook his head slightly, purely because I'm too overly hyper today.

'Woah what's that I hear?' Spencer asked, raising an eyebrow as he stand in the doorframe.

'Oh you heard right' I smirked. 'Ella's having baby fever. You might be a Dad sooner than you think' I giggled.

'Oh god' Spencer exhaled deeply.

'Not anytime soon though don't worry' Ella laughed. 'Or will it be soon?' She raised her eyebrow and smirked at Spencer who widened his eyes in reply.

'Oh please, I wanna be an auntie' I laughed. I heard my Dad open the front door and close. He was out so early this morning and didn't even tell us where he was going.

'Dad! Ella's got baby fever, help me' Spencer shouted, making us all laugh.

'Is it really that bad Spence?' Brad chucked. 'It'll all change when you actually got a baby on the way' He winked at him.

'What's happening?' My dad quietly chuckled, walking upstairs and joined us in my room.

'Tell Spencer that being a parent isn't a bad thing' I giggled.

'It's the most beautiful thing in the world' Dad replied with a genuine smile. 'I'm gonna go to sleep, I'm tired' He yawned. I could tell something was up but I didn't say anything.

'You okay Dad?' Spencer asked.

'Yeah. Actually, can I talk to you in private please?' Dad replied quietly. Spencer furrowed his eyebrows in concern and nodded his head in reply. They both walked into Dad's room and closed the door behind them.

'Well...that was weird?' Brad questioned in confusion.


Dad sighed, sitting on his bed. I stand by the door with my arms crossed, waiting for him to tell me why he wanted to talk to me in private and not with Quinn. 'Can you sit down please?' He asked.

'Okay' I whispered, sitting down next to him on the bed.

'So I was at the hospital today. You know how a few days ago, I was starting to get headaches and nausea everyday?' He asked. I nodded my head in reply. 'Yeah erm' He stuttered nervously.

'It's okay, you can tell me' I reassured him by holding his hand. He looked at me and broke down into silent tears. My heart broke seeing him so upset. I could tell it wasn't a good appointment and I am so scared to hear it.

'B-brain t-tumor' He stuttered between sobs. My heart stopped. My head is spinning. I feel so sick. 'P-please don't tell anyone. Don't tell Quinn' He sighed, wiping his tears.

'Why can't you tell her?' I asked, holding back my tears.

'I don't wanna cause her any more stress. She's due in 3 months, possibly early. I can't' He shook his head.

'But Dad, why you?' I sobbed quietly. 'This is so unfair' I cried in his arms. He hugged me so tight in his arms and kissed my forehead.

'I don't know son. I'm so sorry but we can get through this' He whispered. 'I love you Spencer' He said.

'I love you too Dad. You're my best friend, I can't do this without you' I sobbed. 'How much longer until we can tell everyone?' I asked.

'I really don't know' He sighed, shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders.

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