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'My back hurts so much!' I whined loudly in the hospital bed while Brad tries his best to massage my back.

'I know darling, we're waiting to hear on your X-ray results which should be very soon' the Nurse, Harriet, reassuringly spoke to me.

'Do you think it's bad?' I asked. She looked at me with a kind smile.

'I think it's very normal to be having back pains but it's better to be safe than sorry' She replied. I nodded my head in response and buried my head in the pillow in pain.

'Take deep breaths babe' Brad whispered in my ear and he continues to massage my back gently which does seem to be helping a little bit.

'Results for Miss Quinn Jones' A Young nurse knocked on the door, holding a big envelope.

'Okay thanks' Nurse Harriet smiles, taking the envelope from the nurse. She opened the envelope and started reading whatever's on the piece of paper.

'Is it good or bad?' Brad asked nervously.

'Right okay, it's nothing dangerous. Your baby's healthy, she's okay. However, the back pains you're experiencing is how your baby and your body reacted to sudden and unexpected pain like when you said you tripped over' She explained.

'Right okay that makes more sense now' I sighed in relief.

'So the pain will just fade away on its own?' I asked.

'Yeah, you just need to rest as much as possible and stay hydrated' She said. I nodded my head and looked at Brad, he looks so relieved and that made me smile.

'We're all good' I giggled.


I'm sat in the living room, chatting away with Brad and Connor. I just uploaded my pre recorded video onto my YouTube channel which is the quick fire assumptions and my phone started to ring. It's Spencer.

'Hey' I answered the phone.

'Hey, Erm when you coming back home?' He asked, sounding so sad and anxious.

'I don't know yet, whyy?' I replied, raising an eyebrow.

'Dad is in a state. He got his results back from the hospital and he's refusing to talk until you're here' He sighed.

'Oh god. If he doesn't want to talk then I'm assuming it's news he didn't want to hear' I exhaled deeply.

'So can you please come over, like right now?' He asked. He sounded so desperate and it made my heart hurt.

'Okay Spencer, I'm on my way. Please don't stress' I sighed. 'I love you bro, be there in 5' I said before hanging up.

'What's wrong? You're on your way where?' Brad asked as he stood up and walked towards me.

'Dad got his results back from the hospital and he's refusing to talk to Spencer about it' I replied. He sighed and pulled me in his arms.

'It's bad. I have a feeling' My voice started to break. He hugged me tighter and kissed my cheek.

'Do you want us to come with you?' Connor kindly offered.

'I appreciate that but it's best if I go on my own' I smiled.

'Are you sure?' Brad asked. I looked at him with teary eyes and smiled at him.

'I'm sure babe. Do you mind if you can drop me off?' I asked him.

'Of course baby girl, I was going to anyway' He chuckled. As we both got in his car, scary thoughts started to enter in my mind and I felt my chest tightening.

'Deep breaths' He grabbed my hand with his other hand being on the steering wheel.

'I feel so sick' I sighed, burying my head in my hands. We've finally arrived outside my house and I couldn't bring myself to get out of the car. 'Thank you babe, are you gonna go back or staying here?' I asked.

'I'll be right here' He smiled. 'Good luck, hope everything's okay. I love you' He said as I got out of the car.

'Thank you, I love you too' I smiled back at him. I inhaled and exhaled deeply as I walk up the driveway. I opened the door and the house is completely silent.

'Hello!' I shouted. Spencer ran downstairs and hugged me so tight. 'Never thought you'd be this happy to see me' I chuckled.

'I'm allowed to miss my twin sister' He laughed. 'Dad! Quinn's home!' He called out.

'Oh lovely!' Dad smiled, walking downstairs with his arms open wide to hug me.

'Hey dad' I chuckled, wrapping my arms around him. I've already forgiven him for what happened and I feel better about it. 'So Dad, what's been going on?' I asked as I follow him into the living room with Spence.

'I got the results back from hospital. I decided to get checked and see why I was acting so different the last few days. I deeply apologise for hurting you Quinn, are you okay?' He asked. His eyes are filled with pain and regret and it hurts my heart seeing him like this. I don't see my bubbly and energetic best friend anymore and I miss him so much. This horrible disease really did take over and I hate it so much.

'Dad I'm okay' I smiled. 'So what happened?' I asked. 

'I really don't know how to say this and I really don't want to' He sighed, shaking his head. I nervously looked at Spencer and I grabbed his hand. He squeezed my hand in reassurance.

'It's okay dad, you can tell us!' Spencer said.

'Due to the brain tumour, I have been acting very differently... we all know that. That is because mood swings plays a part in it. A-and e-erm, the tumour has spread' He said. Hearing that last sentence tore my heart in billion pieces and the whole room is suddenly spinning. 'Y-yeah e-erm I-I basically have either 2 weeks or 3 months left' He burst into tears. I gasped in complete utter shock and I immediately ran to hug my dad.

'I'm so sorry daddy, I'm so sorry' I bawled so hard and I hugged him so hard. Spencer joined the hug and we didn't want to let go of him.

'This can't be right. This isn't fair. This is not happening' Spencer whispered to himself. It broke my heart to hear Spencer so heartbroken.

'I'm so sorry my darling children. I have tried my very best to stay strong for you two' Dad sobbed.

'No don't ever apologise!' Spencer shook his head. He wiped Dad's tears with his thumb and hugged him again.

'Dad we love you so much' I sobbed. I can't even process this right now but I'm not ready to lose him, I can't lose him. 'I can't imagine living without you' I said.

'Oh princess, we don't know exactly how long I've got but it could be a year for all we know' He sighed, wiping his tears.

'Yeah but still, it's spread. That's not good' Spencer sighed.

'We're gonna cherish every moment together every single day. I'm sorry dad for being a bitch lately, I will never do that again. I love you so much' I can't stop crying. I hugged him again so tight, not knowing what to do.

'This is why I didn't say anything earlier Spence' He sighed. 'I love you both very much' He kissed both our heads.

Addicted 2 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora