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'Hey mum, I got something to tell you' Brad chuckled quietly as he FaceTimed his mum.

'Oh my god, are you pregnant with twins?' Anne gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. I couldn't tell how she was feeling about that but I am most definitely not pregnant with twins.

'No way' I laughed, shaking my head.

'Maybe next time' Brad winked at me. I laughed, rolling my eyes and shaking my head. 'Anyway, I know Dad and Natalie are busy, but we really wanted to tell you. We have decided that our wedding is next month' He grinned. I looked at him in awe and smiled, his eyes just lit up with pure excitement and it just melted me.

'Oh my god I'm so excited! I can finally shop for a dress and a hat!' She giggled.

'Classic Anne' I laughed. 'And we have a question for you' I said.

'We're not going to have a big wedding, we want a small ceremony with our close friends and families. Sooo, we would love if you can be our celebrant, like marry us?' Brad asked with a chuckle at the end. I watched her reaction and it went from confusion to pure joy and excitement.

'Bradley! I would love to!' She wiped her tears and smiled, nodding her head silently. 'That means the absolute world to me!' She cried.

'Aww mum, don't cry!' Brad chuckled. 'Thank you, we wouldn't want it any other way!' He said.


'Hey chick, can you come downstairs please?' Ella asked, walking past my room as she was coming out of Spencer's room.

'Of course' I smiled. I followed her downstairs in silence and we headed to the garden, meeting Spencer and Brad. I sat down at the wooden table next to Brad, opposite Spencer and Ella. They both looked at each other nervously and chuckled as they looked at us. I then looked at Brad in confusion. 

'What's going on guys?' Brad chuckled, raising an eyebrow in confusion and he sounded concerned.

'You're kinda scaring us' I laughed.

'We've been meaning to tell you guys but we couldn't. I'm pregnant' Ella giggled quietly, covering her hands on her mouth. She was watching me because she was waiting for my reaction. I looked at her then at Brad then at Spencer. I'm gobsmacked

'We wanted to tell you guys. But we didn't want to steal your limelight about your pregnancy journey and your wedding' Spencer sighed.

'Don't be silly! This is amazing!' Brad chuckled. He walked over to them and gave Spencer a hug. 'Congratulations!' He kissed Ella on the cheek and hugged her.

'Aw that's so cute!' I giggled. 'I feel bad that you waited to tell us! Congratulations oh my god!' I squealed. I ran to Ella and gave her the biggest hug.

'Congratulations brother' I giggled as I hug Spencer. He tightened the hug and kissed my head.

'Thank you!' He grinned. 'We feel ready this time, and I couldn't be more happier!' He said.

'Does Dad know?' I asked. He nodded his head. 'You told him before me?' I frowned. 

'We kinda told everyone already. We waited for the right time to tell you guys. I'm sorry' Ella pouted.

'No it's okay' I laughed. 

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