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'Excuse me, is there any way for my fiancé to get checked? Her name is Quinn, 6 months pregnant and she had a fall!' Brad asked at the reception while I slowly walk to the sitting area with Connor as my back is in agony.

'Come with me' A kind nurse smiled at us and we followed her into an empty room. 'Sit on the bed, talk us through what happened?' She asked as I gently sit on the bed as Brad sit on a chair next to the bed.

'I was walking too fast and I tripped, landing on the front. My back hurt and I can feel pain in my abdomen' I explained. She looked at me and looked at Brad, furrowing her eyebrows then she looked back at me. I didn't want to tell her that my father pushed me.

'Can I ask, how old are you?' She asked.

'I'm 22' I replied with a smile. She nodded her head in response and went to get the ultrasound equipment.

'That was a bit strange when she asked for your age' Brad whispered. I nodded my head in agreement and shrugged my shoulders. The nurse is back in the room and I laid down on the bed, lifted my shirt up so she can apply gel on my stomach. I held Brad's hand as we heard our baby girl's healthy heartbeat.

'You've got a strong daughter there' She chuckled.

'Gets it from her mother' Brad grinned happily.

'You're very lucky, everything seems to be okay. You did the right thing by coming here' She smiled. 'Quinn, can I have a chat with you in private?' She asked. I furrowed my eyebrows in concern and looked at Brad.

'Anything you wanna say, can say it in front of him too' I said.

'Yeah but this is really private' She said. I raised an eyebrow and Brad nodded his head.

'I'll just be outside babe' Brad said. He got up and kissed me before he left.

'Your fiancé?' She asked. I smiled and nodded my head. 'Everything okay at home?' She asked. What's with all the questions? I only came to check on my baby.

'Erm yeah why?' I asked.

'What really happened?' She sighed, resting her hand on my arm. I looked at her hand and scoffed.

'I fell. I told you' I replied bluntly.

'Did he hurt you?' She asked, looking at the door. Is she insinuating that Brad is hurting me?

'Wow! No way my fiancé didn't hurt me. I tripped and fell! My friend is in the waiting room, ask him and he'll tell you!' I said, raising my voice slightly in anger and annoyance. I'm not having her calling my fiancé violent and dangerous.

'Okay calm down Miss Quinn. I'm sorry but it's my job, I have to ask' She spoke in a calming tone.

'No your job is to check on the baby. The baby's all good so let's leave it at that!' I shouted. I probably sound so defensive right now and that's always suspicious but I'm so annoyed right now.

'No, my job is to make sure the baby AND the mother are safe' She raised an eyebrow at me in concern.

'This is ridiculous. Are we done? Yeah, we're done' I scoffed. I got up and walked out of the room as fast as I could. I bumped in Bradley and Connor but I didn't stop. I'm just too angry to stop walking. They ran after me and grabbed my arm.

'What was all that about?' Brad asked in a reassuring tone and embraced me in his warm arms.

'She thinks you've abused me' I replied.

'Are you fucking kidding me?' Connor gasped in shock. I nodded my head in reply.

'I called her out on her shit, I wasn't having any of it!' I yelled in frustration. We're walking to the car park and I heard a very familiar voice calling out my name.

'Quinn! Wait!' Dad called out. I gasped slightly and turned out to see Dad running over towards me. He didn't even look at the road and cars were swerving and honking.

'Be careful!' I shouted.

'I'm very sorry that I pushed you. Is everything okay?? Is the baby safe?' He asked as he stands one feet away from me.

'Yeah I'm fine. She's fine. I'm going back to Brad's. I'll see you later. Just go home please' I sighed.

'Please come home with me. I'm so sorry' He cried. Within a second, thunder roared and rain started pouring.

'Come on, it's raining' Connor sighed, tugging my arm. I didn't know what to do.

'You hurt your daughter. You put your granddaughter at risk. She's not going anywhere near you, she's staying with me' Brad said, standing in front of me.

'Brad, don't. Get in the car please' I said, pushing him away.

'Are you serious? You're not going home with him!' He raised his voice at me.

'I'm not but let me talk to MY father!' I shouted. He huffed and got in the passenger seat with Connor.

'Dad please, you're gonna catch a cold so please go home!' I begged. 'I'll call Spencer to pick you up' I sighed.

'Can you call Spencer and tell him to get here ASAP?' I asked, opening the car door. Connor nodded his head and I closed the door.

'I love you, my precious Quinn. I don't want to go through life knowing that you're angry at me and I hate myself so much for hurting you. Your mum would be so angry with me right now' He started to cry. I wanted to hug him so bad but I got scared to go near him again.

'Don't be silly Dad. I'll see you later' I sighed. I started to shiver as it's raining and I'm not wearing a jacket.

'I see you're freezing cold. Please come home later. I love you' He sighed and turned around.

'I love you too' I smiled. He smiled back at me and walked away. I got in the car and it's all silent. Brad didn't even huff a word and Connor started to drive.

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