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'The tumour spread. He's gonna die at any time and we don't even know when. I'm so scared' I bawled my eyes out while I'm on the phone to Brad. He didn't respond but within a second, I heard the front door open and close and fast footsteps upstairs.

'Baby' He sighed, running towards me to hold me tightly in his arms. 'I'm so sorry' He kissed my head.

'I don't know what I'm gonna do without him' I cried. I felt my body go so weak and I couldn't hold him, he had to hold me up in his arms.

'Let's have a lie down' He whispered. We both laid down in bed and he wrapped his arms around me while I cry on his chest.

'Babe tell me what I'm supposed to do. I already lost mum and that was so painful. You were there, we both know that was the darkest time I've ever been in. I'm so scared it's gonna happen again' I sighed, wiping my tears with my sleeve.

'No babe, I'll make sure you won't go back to that dark place. That was very hard for me to watch and I'm not going to watch you go through that again. We're gonna make sure that we spend every second every minute every hour of every day with your dad' He kissed my cheek.

'My heart can't take this pain. Why him?! I can't lose my best friend, I can't stand at the thought of him not being on earth anymore. Like not even at the same place as me' I sobbed harder than ever. 'And then we have Spencer, he doesn't cope well with grief and loss. I'm so worried about him' I sighed.

'We'll look after him babe, don't worry. Please, you have to be careful too' He sighed, placing his hand on my baby bump.

'I know, I'm trying but it's so hard' I sighed.


'Hey guys, I'm going to see Eva to break the news. I love you all so much, I'll be back soon' Dad said.

'See you soon dad, I love you' I smiled. I didn't want him to go without a hug so I ran to him and gave him the biggest hug ever.

'I love you more than anything. There's dinner in the oven, warming up for you guys' He smiled. He left and I broke down in tears once again. I fell to the ground and hugged my knees to my chest and I couldn't breathe.

'Hey hey, breathe slowly. In... and... out' Brad gently spoke, holding my hand as we both slowly breathe together.

'I don't even have the energy to even talk' I sighed. 'Even just watching him leave the house just broke my heart because soon, I'll never see him leave the house ever again' I cried so hard at this point and my nose are just so snotty and wet. I looked at Brad and his eyes were getting so teary. Eventually he started to cry and it shocked me, I know how much he adores my dad so it's hard for him too.

'I'm so sorry, I can't do or say anything to make this shitty situation better for you' He sighed, wiping his tears. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him.

'Don't apologise, it's not your fault' I sighed. At this point, I realised we're sat in the middle of the hallway crying our eyes out. 'I don't want to eat, do you?' I asked.

'To be honest, I'm not hungry but you should really eat something' He sighed.

'I just want to sleep to be honest' I quietly replied.

'Let's go to bed babe' He stood up and grabbed my hand to pull me up.

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