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Awkward silence as we got out of the car and walked into Brad's house. I walked into the garden, leaving the boys behind in the kitchen. I sat down to enjoy some fresh air even though it has been raining and thundering and because my back is hurting still. I took a deep breath and exhaled, smelling earthly wet grass is one of my favourite scents ever. Is that weird?

'Hey' I heard Connor call. I didn't respond. He walked over and gently tapped my shoulder. I turned around and looked up at him.

'Hey' I replied. He exhaled deeply and sat down next to me.

'Brad's in his room. You can talk to me you know' He said. I smiled and nodded my head.

'I know but sometimes I just don't want to talk about my issues because I wanna pretend they don't exist even just for a few hours' I chuckled light heartedly.

'But that's not healthy' He sighed and shook his head.

'I know' I shrugged my shoulders. 'I really don't know what else I can do' I said. He looked at me with  worry and sympathy, resting his hand on my shoulder for reassurance.

'You've got all of our support' He nodded his head and smiled. I smiled back at him and looked away to fight back the tears.

'Yeah I have all of you guys but sometimes I do tend to feel so lonely' I sighed. 'It can be hard to get through to Brad, he's got his own opinions yes I know but I'm carrying our baby, I should have a say in this' I shrugged my shoulders again. I just feel drained.

'You're bound to go through clashes in life, that's what makes your relationship stronger' He said. 'Yeah I knocked some sense into him when you walked to the garden, he's just gone to his room to think. He'll be down whenever he's ready to talk' He smiled.

'Thank you, I appreciate it' I sighed.

'And hey, why do you feel so lonely sometimes?' He asked sadly. 'I feel like a bad friend now' He awkwardly chuckled.

'No you're not, you're my best friend' I laughed. 'Don't we all get a little lonely sometimes?' I questioned. He raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

'To be honest, I'm always around people and I always talk about my problems so I don't ever feel lonely' He replied.

'Wow then lucky you' I chuckled. 'It's nothing against you guys. I just feel like I'm the only one going through shit and you guys can't relate to what I have been through emotionally and physically. But that's okay' I smiled.

'I'm really sorry. I really do hate seeing you sad, it breaks my heart' He frowned. He wrapped his arms and me and hugged me tightly.

'I'm okay' I said. 'I think I'm gonna go and talk to Brad now' I sighed, standing up.

'If you need me, give me a shout. I'll be in the living room' He grinned. I nodded my head and walked back inside the house and headed upstairs to Brad's room. I knocked on the door twice and there was no response. I slowly opened the door and found Brad asleep in his bed. I smiled at the sight and I went to give him a gentle forehead kiss.

'I'm sorry' I whispered. I quietly turned around to leave the room but the floor freaked.

'Hey' I heard Brad speak. I sighed quietly, feeling bad that I woke him up.

'Hey sorry' I awkwardly chuckle.

'It's okay, come here' He smiled, opening his arms. I climbed in his arms and he hugged me so tight.

'How are you?' I asked.

'The most important question is how are YOU?' He replied. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

'I'm fine, I'm just so tired' I replied. 'Is it okay if I stay here for a few nights?' I asked.

'Of course you can. I had no right telling you to stay away from your Dad, I'm so sorry about that. I know he's never normally like that' He shook his head in annoyance. I can tell he's really frustrated with himself and that makes me sad.

'No it's okay, I do see where you're coming from. I'll call him tomorrow. I really don't wanna speak anymore of this so please cuddle me' I giggled.

'Okay babe' He laughed. I got on top of him and wrapped my arms around his neck. As he tightened his grip on my waist, my back started to really hurt.

'B-babe, my back hurts so much' I whined.

'Do you want a massage?' He asked. He genuinely seemed so worried.

'I don't think that will even help. Babe it hurts so much, something isn't right' I started to cry. I'm panicking so much because I don't feel right and I know that it's normally a bad thing.

'Right, let's go back to the hospital. A different nurse this time' He said. 'Connor!' He shouted. I heard footsteps running upstairs and Brad lifted me up in his arms bridal style.

'Yes?' Connor asked, raising an eyebrow.

'Her back is still hurting, even worse this time. Do you mind driving us back to the hospital?' He asked.

'Of course mate, let's go!' Connor replied.

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