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'What are you guys doing here though?' I asked as I sit on the floor covered in blankets next to Ella and Kirstie. 'Not that I don't want you here by the way' I chuckled. I looked at Spencer who half heartedly smiled at me.

'Because why not?' Connor laughed. 'We just wanted to surprise you and Spencer and cheer you guys up' He replied. I smiled at him and I looked at the floor, not knowing how to react.

'Are you okay?' Brad asked, furrowing his eyebrows in concern.

'Y-yeah no, I'm good. Thank you guys I appreciate it. I'm just overwhelmed' I sighed, rubbing my forehead with my hand in frustration. I just can't be happy at the moment but I feel bad because they've made so much effort to cheer me up.

'You sure?' James asked. I smiled at him and nodded my head in reply. 'We're just going to chill, do whatever we want' He smiled.

'All I wanna do is curl up in a ball' Spencer sarcastically laughed and rolled his eyes.

'Spencer!' I raised my voice at him. 'Don't even' I sighed.

'Can you not?' He snapped back at me. I ignored him and walked to the garden for a breather.

'Hey' Brad softly called out behind me. 'You alright? I mean that's a stupid question' He sighed. I don't  want to look at him because I feel like I'm going to cry. He stood next to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. He pulled me in closer and kissed my forehead.

'I-I'm fine' I stuttered, shaking my head. I buried my head into his chest and started sobbing. I couldn't hold it in anymore, the tears were fighting to escape. He hugged me tighter in silence.

'Was this all too much for you?' He whispered as he stroked my hair reassuringly.

'No. It was lovely to see everyone. It just doesn't change anything, my dad still has cancer and I can't pretend I'm happy. He's sleeping in his room and I can't see him suffer and I feel like I'm being selfish' I spoke in between breaths.

'Baby just breathe. We'll talk more about it when you can breathe properly. Follow my breathing' He softly spoke. He inhaled and exhaled slowly, locking eye contact with me. I closed my eyes, imitating his breathing while he holds me in his arms. Few minutes later, my breathing is back to normal and we're currently sat on the table in the garden.

'Come here' He said, patting his lap. I sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around him.

'I'm sorry' I sighed. He frowned, shaking his head.

'Don't be. There's nothing for you to apologise for' He said as he gently wiped my tears with his thumb.

'I just didn't want to ruin the mood in there. Spencer and I deal with situations like this very differently, I just couldn't be around him' I groaned in frustration.

'I understand. I'm sorry I didn't realise any sooner. Is there anything I can do?' He asked. I shook my head and sighed.

'There's morning you can do but just love me forever' I half heartedly chuckled. 'I just need your love, it'll be enough for me as cheesy as it sounds' I said.

'I got all the love in the world for you. But I mean it, if you ever need anything just give me a shout. Please, don't ever feel the need to hide your emotions, you can cry in front of me if you ever need to cry. You can have a rant, you can scream at me. I don't want you to be bottling it all up, we can't have you being stressed' He said. He hugged me tighter and kissed me.

'I won't, I promise' I frowned. 'I don't have the energy to rant right now. I just want to enjoy the night with the love of my life and my best friends. Can we go back in?' I asked before taking a deep breath.

'Good. Are you ready?' He asked as he stood up. I nodded my hand and grabbed his hand as I follow him back inside.


'Goodnight everyone. Sleep well' Dad smiled, standing in the doorframe with a cup of tea in his hand.

'Goodnight daddy, I love you' I replied, smiling at him. He grinned at me and looked at Spencer.

'Goodnight' Spencer smiled.

'Sleep well, see you in the morning' Ella grinned. Dad beamed happily and walked upstairs to his room. 'Bless him' She sighed.

'Shall we play truth or dare?' Spencer suggested. 'Need to lighten up the mood a little bit' He said. I looked at Brad and he shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what to say.

'Erm, sure I guess' Tristan said. We all sat on the floor and formed a circle. I sat in between Brad and Tristan.

'Ella, you go first. Truth or dare, babe?' Spencer asked.

'Truth' She said. 'Don't go in too hard already' She laughed.

'Okay well, who do you get along with the least in the group?' He asked with a cheeky smirk.

'That's a hard one. You know I get along with everyone here! I would have to say Lucy, who isn't even here, purely because we haven't spoke as much. Sorry Con' She awkwardly chuckled.

'No that's understandable to be honest. Sorry she's not here with us, she's so busy with her university work' Connor said.

'Bradley, your turn' Ella chuckled. 'Truth or dare?' She asked.

'For now I'm gonna say truth' He replied.

'This might be an easy one for you but I need to know this' Ella giggled. 'Have you always imagined your future to be with Quinn?' She asked. 

'Definitely!' Brad nodded his head as he grabbed my hand. I grinned as I rest my head on his shoulder. 'Since day one, no doubt. I love this girl with all my heart and always will' He kissed my forehead.

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