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Liked by bradleywillsimpson and 574,927 others Pre baby bump photo shoots🥺🥺 Tb to 6 months agooo👀

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Liked by bradleywillsimpson and 574,927 others
Pre baby bump photo shoots🥺🥺 Tb to 6 months agooo👀

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bradleywillsimpson that was six months ago already?!? The difference in our clothes😂 you're wearing a crop top and there's me wearing a huge jacket
thisisellarae I remember taking this photo! You were pregnant in this and now your bump is so cute🥺
itskirstie we are ALL SO EXCITED to meet your baby princess!!!💖💖


'Hey sis' Spencer called out as I walked past the living room to go in the kitchen. He followed me as I sat down at the table.

'What's up?' I asked, raising an eyebrow.

'Just wondered how the wedding planning is going' He replied, shrugging his shoulders. He sat down at the table, opposite me.

'It's going good thanks, just waiting for Brad to get back from his sleepover' I chuckled. 'How come you didn't go in the end?' I asked.

'Ella wasn't feeling well so I decided to stay with her. The boys were understanding so it's all good' He smiled, nodding her head. I remember feeling so sick in the first trimester and now I gotta watch Ella go through that just brings back memories.

'Yeah I don't miss that at all' I laughed, shaking my head. 'Only three more months to go' I rubbed my baby bump and grinned excitedly.

'I'm so excited to meet my niece' He chuckled. 'I'm so nervous for the gender reveal, like I don't mind which gender but I'm still nervous' He laughed.

'Our babies are gonna be so close in age! Our cousins  are quite close in age with us aren't they?' I questioned. He nodded his head in response. 'But yeah, finding out the gender is so nerve wrecking' I giggled.

'We find out in like 2 weeks!' He exclaimed. 'Time goes by so quick!' He gasped, covering his hand over his mouth.


'Babe do I look fat?' I frowned, folding my arms to my chest and looked at the full length mirror in my room.

'No you don't!' Brad gasped, shaking his head at me. 'You look beautiful' He walked up to me from behind and kissed my cheek.

'I feel so self conscious' I whined. I turned around to face him and I pouted with puppy eyes.

'We don't have to go out if you don't feel comfortable babe' He said, pulling me in his arms and kissed my forehead.

'No it's okay, we gotta be there for our friends. I feel like I'm slowly drifting away from them and I don't want that to happen' I sighed.

'No way they didn't say anything about that at all. Besides, they'll understand' He smiled.

'It's so stupid though. Not wanting to go out for dinner because I think I look fat' I groaned in embarrassment.

'Pregnancy hormones that's what it is' He chuckled lightly as he hugged me tighter again. I looked up at him and pouted.

'I really don't like looking at my self right now' I shook my head and walked out of my room to go downstairs and Brad followed me.

'Okay I'll text the boys and tell them that we aren't going' He said. I stopped walking and turned around.

'No you can still go!' I sighed.

'Yeah I could but they're not as fun without you' He chuckled light heartedly. 'I saw them last night so I'm sure they can have fun without me' He said. He took out his phone to text the group chat and I kinda feel bad but relieved that he's staying with me. We both went in the living room and snuggled up together to watch a film. I know it's a bit silly to cancel plans because of my physical appearance but it's one of them days. My baby bump is beautiful no doubt but every outfit was making me look fat, not pregnant.

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