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As I walk around Brad's house, tidying up their mess, I heard my phone ring from the other room. I quickly cleaned the living room windows and ran to the kitchen to grab my phone. It was Bradley calling me.

'Hey baby, you okay?' I asked, out of breath.

'Hey. Why you out of breath?' He chuckled lightly.

'I literally just ran to get my phone' I laughed. 'You okay?' I asked.

'Erm yeah. Just wanted to see if you're okay' He said. I don't know what it is but there's a little sadness in his voice and it's kinda making me nervous.

'You don't sound okay?' I questioned.

'I'm just really tired. I can't wait to go home and cuddle with you' He chuckled. 'We're on the way back now' He said.

'How was the gym session?' I asked as I take a seat in the living room.

'Honestly it was the most hardest session ever. James was pushing me so hard but I just couldn't. I'm just not in the right mindset to be working out' He sighed.

'Why, what's wrong?' I asked.

'N-nothing. Just having an off day. I'll be all better once I see your beautiful face' He replied. 'Right, we're just round the corner. See you in a second babe, love you' He quickly spoke before ending the call. Within few seconds, the front door opened so I ran to Bradley and jumped in his arms.

'Hello my darling' I giggled as I kissed him.

'Hello you two lovebirds' James chuckled, walking in the kitchen with the boys. I looked at Bradley who looks visibly tired.

'Why don't you go take a shower and nap afterwards?' I asked, holding his hand as we follow the boys to the kitchen.

'Yeah I think I will to be honest' He sighed. His eyes are a little bit red like he's been crying but it's probably because he's really tired. I furrowed my eyebrows in concern and then looked at the boys who doesn't seem fazed by it.

'We'll see you in a bit. Have a nice nap' Tristan smiled at him.

'Yeah' Bradley yawned. 'I'll see you in a bit babe' He wrapped his arms around me tightly.

'I'll join you later because I'm pretty tired too' I smiled at him. 'I love you' I said as I watch him walk upstairs.

'I love you more' He replied. I walked back to the kitchen to join the boys and I sat down.

'Is he okay?' I asked, raising an eyebrow.

'Yeah. He pushed himself too hard at the gym and I think he's starting to feel it' Connor chuckled. For some reason, I found that hard to believe.

'Honestly, don't worry' James smiled at me, nodding his head.

'He just looked so sad. I know when he's tired, it wasn't that' I sighed. 'But for whatever he's feeling, I know he needs space. I'll talk to him later when he's awake' I said.



'Hey erm, can you come over? Just you, not Quinn' Spencer asked on the phone. I looked around, making sure Quinn wasn't near me as I answer.

'Yeah sure, why what's up?' I asked.

'I'll explain when you get here. Please come ASAP. Don't tell Quinn you're coming here' He sniffled. It almost sounds like he's crying or he got a cold.

'Okay I'm going to the gym in an hour. I'm leaving now' I replied before ending the call. Why would I not tell Quinn? I'm confused. 'Babe' I called out.

'Yeah?' Quinn shouted back, sounding like she's in the shower.

'I'm going to the gym now with the boys. I'll be back in about two hours' I replied.

'Okay baby. Have fun, I love you' She shouted back. I quickly grabbed my stuff and quickly walked downstairs. I grabbed my car keys and got in the car. As I drive to Quinn's house, I couldn't help but wonder what's so urgent. Why so secretive?

I arrived at the house. I let myself in and I walked upstairs to Spencer's room. He was sat on his bed, with his head between his knees, full on sobbing.

'Hey hey, what's wrong?' I asked, sitting down next to him and I hugged him.

'I-I can't breathe' He replied in between short breaths.

'Okay, deep breaths. Follow my breaths' I inhaled deeply and inhaled slowly. 'You can do it' I reassured him. He nodded his head in response and followed my breathing rhythm. After a few minutes, his breathing is back to normal but he is still very upset.

'Thank you for coming. I didn't know who else to call' He sighed, wiping his tears with his jumper sleeve.

'Of course, you're my best friend! But seriously, what's wrong?' I asked in concern.

'You gotta promise not to tell Quinn though. She can't know, not yet' He shook his head. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

'How serious is it?' I asked. 'I can't hide anything from Quinn' I sighed.

'I know. It's killing me keeping this from her. But I gotta get this out of my chest, I need to tell someone but just not her. I can't tell Ella because she will tell Quinn' He sighed, shaking his head. He's visibly distraught, his hands and legs are shaking and his breathing is getting rapid and shorter again.

'Okay before you tell me, breathe slowly again' I reassured him.

'D-dad. H-he got brain c-cancer' He stuttered, trying to hold back his tears. I gasped in complete shock, shaking my head violently as I didn't want to believe this.

'What?! When did this all happen?!' I asked in shock.   Quinn instantly came into my thoughts, how on earth am I going to keep this from her? Her dad has cancer and she doesn't even know.

'Dad told me few weeks ago. He doesn't want Quinn to know just yet, he doesn't want to cause her any more stress' He explained.

'I understand that but I cannot keep this from her. Imagine if she found out we knew, she's gonna be so angry and upset' I replied. I can't keep this from her. 'We have to tell her' I sighed.

'No, we can't. Not yet, please' I heard Quinn's dad speak. I turned around and he was standing outside the room.

'I am so sorry' I sighed. I walked towards him to give him a warm hug. 'Is there anything you need?' I asked.

'All I need is for you to make my princess happy' He sighed. 'If you feel like this is something you can't keep from her, I can tell her. But I just worry, I don't want her to be stressed' He shrugged his shoulders. I can tell he feels very worried and stressed out and I understand but I don't think I can lie to my girl.

'Yeah, I don't think I can. She deserves to know' I sighed.

'I respect you Bradley' He nodded his head. 'I will tell her tomorrow. I'm heading to the hospital now for a consultation' He forced a smile.

'I'll go with you' Spencer said. 'I'll drive' He offered.

'Thank you son' He replied. We all went outside and I got in my car. I couldn't help but burst into tears. He is such a lovely man and he does not deserve to go through this. He is loved by so many people. This is going to break Quinn's heart and I'm so scared for how she's going to cope with this. I know the best thing is wait because we can't put the baby at risk but we don't know how long her dad has left.

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