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'Hey you alright?' I heard Quinn's dad ask, startling me as I was daydreaming. I'm sat in the kitchen, resting my chin on my hand and my other hand holding a cold cup of coffee.

'H-hey yeah I'm good thanks. You?' I asked. I cleared my throat awkwardly, shuffling my seat. He joined me at the table, sitting opposite with his cup of tea and newspapers.

'I'm fine thank you. Are you sure?' He asked, raising an eyebrow. I smiled and nodded my head. 'How's Quinn?' He asked.

'She's doing okay' I smiled. I didn't really know what else to say because to be honest I don't really know how she's doing.

'Good. How come you're here at 9:30 in the morning and not in bed?' He chuckled and he started to cough violently. 'I'm okay, just need some water' He forced a smile as he walked to the sink to fill up a glass of water.

'I've been awake since 7. I couldn't get back to sleep' I laughed. 'I didn't want to bother her peaceful sleeping so I went downstairs. How's Eva?' I asked, trying to avoid the situation about his violent cough. I know he wouldn't want it to be a fuss.

'Eva's great. She's been really good to me, she's an angel' He smiled. I smiled at him, feeling happy that he's finally being loved and have someone to give all his love to. Because it is such a nice feeling after all, to be loved.

'That's really great to hear, I'm so happy for you. She's a really lovely person' I smiled. He nodded his head in agreement and quietly exhaled, almost looking sad.

'What's wrong?' I asked. He was just about to say something but then we got interrupted by Quinn, who just walked in the kitchen with a huge messy bun and in my hoodie. 'Good morning beautiful' I grinned.

'Look what the cat dragged in' He chuckled. Quinn pouted and fixed her messy bun as she joined us at the table, sitting on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her securely and squeezed her. I knew her dad is feeling down but I know that he doesn't wanna talk about it when Quinn is around which I understand.


'I'm so tired. My back aches and I'm getting cankles' Quinn whined, laying down on her bed staring at her ankles.

'No your ankles are perfectly fine' I chuckled. 'I would offer a back massage but I know you don't like them' I said. I fluffed up the pillows and propped them behind Quinn's back.

'Thank you' She grinned. 'Come lay next to me' She giggled, patting her hand on the empty space next to her on the bed. I did as I was told and gently rested my head on her stomach.

'I wonder if she can hear us' I said, putting my hand on her stomach hoping that the baby would kick.

'Apparently babies recognise their parents' voices. But we'll see' She laughed, shrugging her shoulders.

'That's amazing' I chuckled lightly. I then started to yawn and rolled over to lay on some pillows to get comfortable.

'Why were you awake so early this morning by the way?' She asked curiously, raising an eyebrow.

'I just couldn't get back to sleep and your dad was keeping me company' I replied.

'Did he say anything? Is he okay?' She asked. I exhaled deeply and shrugged my shoulders slightly.

'You can't keep avoiding him you know' I sighed. 'I know it's not easy but trust me, you'll regret it if you keep avoiding him' I said. That was probably not the best thing to say.

'Easy for you to say' She snapped.

'I'm only trying to help' I sat up and held her hand but she looked away.

'I don't need help. I just wish everyone would just leave me alone and let me deal with it my own way!' She raised her voice at me.

'Okay if you don't need my help then I won't say anything. But you can't keep pushing me away' I sighed. She looked aT me and raised an eyebrow.

'I'm pushing you away? I just don't want to talk about the C word and you think that's pushing you away?' She questioned me deeply.

'We can either argue and go round in circles or talk about it' I said with a blank expression on my face to show her that I am serious.

'To be honest BrAd I'm tired. I think you should go' She turned around and pulled the duvet over her body.

'I'll be downstairs' I sighed. I slowly get out of bed and headed downstairs. I don't even know what happened. Yes it got heated but I know she didn't mean to shout at me, it was the only thing she could do to tell me that she's angry without even telling me that she is angry.

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