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'Good morning beautiful' I quietly whispered as Quinn fluttered her beautiful blue eyes open and turned over to wrap her arms around me. I kissed her forehead and played with her hair as she rested her chin on my chest.

'Morning' She looked up at me and smiled. She slowly closed her eyes again and I could feel her heart beating fast against my body.

'How are you feeling this morning?' I asked.

'Tired' She replied. 'Heartbroken' She sighed, looking away and facing the other direction to avoid eye contact.

'Babe' I sighed, pulling her closer to me. I tightly wrapped my arms around her and kissed her beautiful face. 'We can get through this. Why don't we all go out today?' I suggested.

'That's a nice idea but I don't think anyone will be up for it' She said, inhaling and exhaling deeply. 'We could ask them though' She said.

'No you're right actually, everyone's still in shock' I sighed. I'm still really shocked and upset but I'm trying to not show it because I got to be strong for Quinn and our little one.

'I'm gonna go see if he's awake yet' She sighed quietly, getting out of bed and left the room. I opened the window, inhaling fresh air and just stood here for a minute to reflect. 'He's still sleeping' She said, walking back into the room. I nodded my head in response.

'I know this is probably a bad time to talk about it but do you want to postpone the wedding?' I asked. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow, looking confused.

'And why would I wanna do that?' She asked. 'I want Dad to be there, I don't wanna postpone it. Do you?' She replied.

'No of course not! I just wanted to ask, shall we change the dates? Make it sooner?' I asked. It is probably too soon but I know it's the right thing to do for Quinn. She really wants her dad there no matter what.

'Can we do that?' She replied. I smiled and nodded my head. 'Like how soon?' She asked.

'However soon you want' I chuckled. 'But we gotta make sure everything's ready, you haven't even looked at dresses yet and I haven't looked at suits yet' I sighed.

'I can call the venue and ask when their next available date is?' She said.

'Okay babe, you can do that. I'll get the boys to come over so we can discuss more about the suits' I smiled at her. She smiled and nodded her head before she headed downstairs to call the venue. I know this may seem like a rush but I just want her to be happy and to be honest, I want her Dad to be there too. It's horrible enough that her mum won't be there. I texted the boys group chat, filling them in what happened and they're coming over in half an hour.


'Are you sure we can do this? Like in a few weeks?' Connor asked.

'I'm sure. Quinn's dress shopping tomorrow with the girls so we can go and look at suits' I replied.

'So the venue's booked?' James asked.

'Yeah it's all booked. It was originally booked for two months time but now it's going to be in three weeks. I know it may seem like we're rushing but Quinn really wants her dad to be there and so do I. This is the right thing to do' I replied.

'Whatever feels right for you, we'll support you all the way' Tristan grinned. 'We're going suit shopping tomorrow!' He shouted excitedly, clapping his hands.

'Thank you. I'm glad you understand why so soon' I said. 'So 10am tomorrow yes?' I asked.

'Yes boss' Connor laughed. 'I'm so excited for the wedding!' He smiled.

'Where is Spencer?' James asked.

'He's at Ella's house today' I replied. 'Yeah he didn't want to be here which is understandable' I shrugged my shoulders.

'How are Quinn and Spencer?' Tristan asked.

'To be honest, Spencer isn't coping very well at the moment. He's not talking to any of us, he wouldn't look at me, he wouldn't eat or even leave his room so I'm happy he's at Ella's house' I replied. 'As for Quinn, she's trying to be strong but she's had a few breakdowns which again is completely fine. But I'm just worried for her health too' I sighed.

'The baby's due when?' James asked.

'Two months' I grinned excitedly.

'That's gonna go by so quick' Connor gasped in disbelief. 'Do you think...her dad will still be here for the birth?' He asked.

'I really hope so. I think he will anyway, he's a fighter' I replied.

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