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'Hey guys, long time no see. Welcome back to my channel, today we are doing a very highly requested video. Guess what it is...' I started off my intro for my YouTube video. 'Quick fire assumptions' I chuckled.

'This is gonna be juicy' Brad laughed, rubbing his hands together and wiggling his eyebrows.

'I'm nervous for this' I chuckled nervously. 'Brad is doing this with me too. So we got five minutes each to answer every question truthfully and it's all completely unedited' I explained.

'I'm excited for this!' He laughed. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

'We have Connor here to ask us questions. Say hi to the camera, Con' I said. He walked to the camera and waved. He then sat back down behind the camera.

'Right okay, I screenshotted the juicy questions. Who's first?' Connor asked. Brad and I nervously looked at each other and burst out laughing.

'The queen can go first' Brad smirked and winked at me.

'Okay fine' I giggled. I turned to the camera to face Connor. 'Just don't make me laugh brad' I said. I can just see him in the corner of my eye, trying not to laugh and it's already putting me off guard.

'Timer in 3, 2, 1' Connor counted down the time. 'Do you regret keeping the baby?' He asked.

'Woah that's a bit straight forward already' I awkwardly chuckled. 'No I do not regret keeping our baby' I smiled.

'Do you see your entire future with Bradley?' He asked.

'Yes I do. I'll be spending the rest of my life with him' I giggled, waving my hand at the camera and pointing at my engagement ring on my finger.

'Who is your best friend?' He asked. He looked at me like he's hoping I'll say him.

'I can't pick just one, they're all my best friends' I sighed.

'Just pick one!' Brad laughed.

'Okay... Ella' I replied. I felt so bad.

'Have you picked a baby name yet and what is it?' He asked.

'No we actually haven't discussed names yet, even if we did I wouldn't be telling you just yet' I giggled. 'It's a surprise' I winked.

'What's your body count?' He asked. I raised an eyebrow and shook my head slightly. It's an uncomfortable question to answer because it's so private.

'I was in two long term relationships so 2' I replied.

'Do you love being a twin?'

'I mean, it has its up and downs but that's normal siblings for you. Yeah I love being a twin, you have a connection with your sibling that no one else can have or understand. It's amazing. Love you Spencey if you're watching' I chuckled.

'Why have you not been posting videos lately? Do you regret doing YouTube?'

'I'm sorry about the lack of videos but I have been so busy. I have a wedding to plan, I'm heavily pregnant and my dad has cancer so it's been quite hard to film. But I promise, I'll be more consistent soon!' I smiled at the camera.

'That's five minutes done! You did well! Brad, get on the hot seat' Connor said. I sighed in relief and swapped seats with Brad.

'Good luck!' I laughed.


'Okay. 3, 2, 1' Connor said, starting the timer. 'Is Quinn the first girl you've ever loved?' He asked.

'I've had a girlfriend before her but it wasn't real love. So yes, she's my first love and last' I grinned. I looked back at her and she smiled at me.

'Are you excited to be a dad?' He asked.

'I'm very excited. I'm counting down the days every single day' I laughed.

'When's the wedding?'

'In two months' I grinned excitedly.

'What's your body count?'

'5' I awkwardly replied. I was in the rebound mode when I broke up with my ex.

'Do you believe Quinn is the one?'

'I knew it way before I asked her to be my girlfriend' I said. 'Even before then, she gave me butterflies and still to this day I still get butterflies. I mean, we're having a baby and we're getting married... we all know she's the one for me' I chuckled.

'He put a ring on it' Quinn shouted from the background, making us laugh.

'Are you buying a house?'

'I mean it's on the cards but we've already got a lot going on at the moment. So maybe later in the year' I replied.

'Is Connor Ball your best friend?'

'Hmm is that one from you?' I laughed.

'Yes, answer it' Connor chuckled.

'Yes he is my best best best friend' I laughed, throwing my head back and clapped my head.

'Time's up!' He said. He stood up and clapped his hands.

'You did good!' Quinn smiled and kissed me. 'That's a wrap for today's video, I hope you all enjoyed it. Don't forget to like, subscribe and comment down below what you would like to see next. Bye' She smiled, waving her hand at the camera.

'Byeee' Connor and I said.

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