Date in Disguise

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Rantaro x Kokichi
Possible part 2?
Ouma not Ouma
Kokichi touch starved

Kokichi was a liar, a trickster. He knew that and he knew that everyone hated him. He lied, pranked, tricked and even manipulated them. It was his role. He was meant to be the one everyone could blame, ridicule, insult and release their frustrations on.
However, sometimes it's tiring. It takes a toll on one's mind to be faced with large amounts of hatred every day and be expected to still act positively. Even if he wanted to escape the role he had built it would be impossible. Nobody would believe it. They would all consider it to be a prank. Watching his every move and pointing out every action as another reason to call it a prank.

So Kokichi found an escape. He gained comfort in being someone else. A wig, contacts, and some make-up built up his falsified persona. Shuuya Komaeda was the alias he used. He had borrowed a distant cousin of his last name. After all, even if he did meet anyone he knew none of his classmates ever cared enough to ask about his family.

Shuuya was different from Kokichi. As Shuuya he could be free. He wasn't expected to make backhanded compliments or witty remarks. He could act however he wanted.

Sombre blue filled the sky as clouds hang in the air. Kokichi was sitting at the cafe, alone. His usual dyed strands and violet eyes were gone. Instead repaced by white locks that hung low with bangs that swept over his eyes. His eyes were a vibrant violet paired with a mismatching golden orb. Instead of his ordinary straight jacket inspired outfit and checkered bandana he wore a skeleton decorated poncho. (his beta design but with white hair instead of the light brown)

Today had been rather upsetting. Therefore he had escaped away from the life of Kokichi Ouma and instead swapped it for the world of Shuuya Komaeda.
Maki had strangled him, Angie spilled paint on him, Kaede looked at him with eyes of pity, and Shuichi told him to change the way he acted. As if, if he did they would believe it.

Nevermind all of that. For now, he would ignore it. Right now he just wanted to enjoy his cup of hot chocolate and maybe do some shopping.

Of course, that is what he will do.

With that thought in mind, Kokichi returned his attention to his drink. Steamy hot chocolate, a wonderland of sweet coco sugariness. This cafe served the best hot chocolate in his opinion. It was almost on the same level as grape panta, of course grape panta was still better. However, the rich flavour of the hot chocolate made it a suitable substitute. Along with the fact that while he was well disguised if one of the more clever of his classmates saw him they might recognize him. His facial structure and height were still the same. So not drinking grape panta was another way of disguise. 
Either way for today he was going to have fun, relax and forget about every one of his classmates. 

However, in reality, things almost never seem to go your way.

A few hours earlier well Kokichi was putting on his disguise, the other students were having their own form of entertainment. 

A simple and classic game of truth and dare. Somewhat weird to be playing during the day and at school, but well why not? Boredom cause people to do strange things. All games of truth and dare always contain one dare that involves love.
In this case, one lucky person was given the dare to go and get a date with a random stranger.

So off they went on their quest to find someone to go out with.

Nevertheless, the cafe that they chose to go and find a date at was the exact same one as the one in which Kokichi was enjoying his hot chocolate.

Tall, slender frame, avocado green hair and decorated with piercings and rings. They glided into the cafe in all of their avocadoness. Brillant jade orbs scanned around the area for his prey. Finally, he settled on three. 
The blonde, with frosty blue eyes and a large black bow on her head.
The dark purple brunette, with red eyes and over-sized glasses.
Or the cute albino, with heterochromatic eyes. Who's gender was hard to identify, but that didn't matter. They were cute.

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