Extra #3: The Future Leaders

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Hi everyone, SK here. 

This will be the last Extra, just saying it upfront.  I had originally planned for more but I can't publish that now due to them having spoilers for the sequel.  So while this will be the last "story" part for this book, there are more exciting things to come, trust me.  Yes, this means the sequel is confirmed.

One thing I will say though, read carefully, and you might find some things that are important.  This one's a long one!!  Be sure to read to the end ;)

Also, thank you so much for 8K.. like wow, it's been quite a journey for this book I have to say.  At the time I'm writing this you guys have added another 300 reads to that total.. what can I say, you guys are all awesome people, and thank you!!

Anyway, without further adieu, let's begin!  I hope you enjoy this Amour fluff.


I don't know how time can fly by so quickly.  Really, I don't.  

One year I was the Kalos Queen.  Another, Leader of the Light Fairies.  Another still, Ash and I saved the world and announced our love for each other.  

Six years ago on this very date, I gave birth to my beautiful son and daughter.  

I still remember it all too clearly... well, obviously of course some of it went by in a blur.  It wasn't exactly painless.  All I remember of the actual birth was me screaming, Ash trying to hold my hand while he was eating something, and Layra saying that Heliux was also stress-eating.  While it wasn't painless, it also wasn't a complicated birth, which I'm grateful for.  

No, it was the moments after they were born that will be ingrained in my mind for all eternity.  I hugged them close to me, and I felt the softness of their skin against mine.  Their beautiful infant cries filled the air and it was like listening to the most talented symphony.  Ash leaned in close and we were all there, the four of us, the perfect little family.  Their tiny little fingers, their cuddly teeny toes, their adorable baby cheeks; all of it was perfect to me.  No, all of it is perfect to me... even if they've grown up.  

Verity is almost the spitting image of Ash, both looks-wise and personality-wise.  Her hair is an extremely dark shade of brown; it looks black normally, unless she is standing near a bright light.  It's short and spiky on the ends, just like Ash's hair.  She has the same skin-tone as Ash also, and she also inherited his bright grin and his willingness to accept any challenge.  One of the things I love most about Verity are her eyes.  She was born with something called heterochromia; what that means is that each of her eyes are a different colour.  Her right eye is a chocolate brown while her left eye is a calm cerulean blue.  Both of the twins also inherited Ash's unique birth marks; Verity has a small zed mark on her left cheek, and her brother has one on his right.

Verity loves Pokemon.  Her brother does too, but my daughter is almost downright obsessed with them!  She's always talking about how she and her future partner are going to beat every single fairy, including Ash and Heliux.  I smile to myself as I think towards that upcoming date.  Ash and I agreed that we would take them out to get their first Pokemon when they turn ten, just like how it happened for us.  

August is a lot more soft-spoken than his sister.  I've noticed that he's particularly shy, but he will come out of his shell when he's near someone he trusts.  He'll do it around Ash, Verity, and I, but surprisingly he also likes spending time with Heliux?  Okay, when I put it that way it sounds like I'm being overly skeptical about his friend choices.  It's just so shocking to me... Heliux doesn't really strike me as the kind of person to like hanging out with kids, but he hasn't made any attempts to push August away.  Ever.  Recently, he's been looking strained whenever August approaches him, but I just blame that on him being tired.  I think it's kind of cute to see the little toddler clinging to him like that, and Layra definitely shares my opinion.  He's full of questions, and when I say full, I mean full.  He's a curious little cutie.

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